Monday, July 15, 2024

Hick Dips a Toe!

Mark the calendar! Hick got into POOLIO on Sunday!

Mid-morning, Hick sent me a text that it was 90 degrees outside, and 98 on the back wall of his SUS2 (Storage Unit Store 2).

"You might want to come home early, and have a swim!"

"I think I'm going to water looks fine"

Hick arrived home around 2:30. He was puttering outside when I got in the shower before town. When I got out, I found Hick sitting on the deck he built for POOLIO. Scarlett was down there with him, and little Jack was whining on the back porch, at the top of the stairs. Let the record show that Hick's swim trunks were hanging on the bathroom door. And his shoes, socks, shorts, and shirt were piled on the floor in front of the long couch. At least Hick was sporting his tighty-whities, and not going au naturale.

"Did Scarlett try to get in with you?"

"No. She dipped a foot in, but laid down to wait."

"Poor Jack. He's whining."

"He won't come down the steps."

"He could fall through the open parts!"

"Jack doesn't have any trouble with the porch steps. I don't know why he won't come down."

Well. It could be because Hick is not a master of making steps. Jack could easily fall through the gaps. He doesn't even like Hick all that much! Maybe he only wanted Scarlett, not Hick!

Anyhoo... Hick said he was in POOLIO for about an hour. He was not on a floatie, which I had suggested he pick up on the way home. You know, the previous ones being two years old. So I asked what he did.

"I floated around. That old air mattress that I used to lay on still had air in the pillow. So I rolled up the rest of it and put the pillow under my arms and floated around."

Seriously. Hick could spend a dollar or five on a new air mattress!


  1. As soon as I saw the title of the post, I wondered about the poisons in the water, remembering that clear water could still be dangerous. I hope he did not absorb too many toxins. He was in the pool in his underwear? I suppose you are isolated enough for this kind of wear. I have seen these mats that are floating in a pool. They are not blown up, so I suppose they last longer.

    1. Hick is still kickin'! As The Pony said upon being informed: "At least he had on underwear!" True. Hick has been known to skinny-dip in POOLIO.

      We live a mile up a gravel road, where people are on 10-acre plots of land. POOLIO is behind the house. Nobody is going to see Hick unless they are trespassing and actively looking for him.

      We might have had a mat like that before. I remember something that let Hick float, though putting him about 2 inches under the surface!

  2. And then resell for a .50 profit!

    1. You can take Hick out of the business (early for a swim), but you can't take the business out of Hick!

  3. He apparently knows when to save money and when to spend it. (I'm thinking of that $200 mattress.)

    1. Heh, heh! Indeed! Hick can sleep on a $200 mattress, and float on the pillow of a 2-year-old air mattress. Priorities, you know. Maybe somebody will give him something floatable for the last few weeks of his POOLIO party.

  4. Good to hear poolio is getting some use at last.

    1. I agree! I wish Hick would spend time EVERY DAY in POOLIO until it's time to shut down for the winter!

  5. I am isolated enough to go out in my birthday suit, but with my luck, a delivery driver would happen upon me. Baby girl's new puppy loves the pool and came swim, she says. He is a cutie, but she is not as enthusiastic about him as she was with poor little Birdie. I am happy she got another pup, though. There will never be another love like the love she had for Birdie.

    1. Surely not YOUR delivery driver, but one leaving a package at the wrong house, probably!

      The new pup will earn a place in her heart. I understand. I am quite fond of Scarlett, but she will never replace my Sweet, Sweet Juno.
