Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Whistler's Father

As I climbed out of T-Hoe at the Gas Station Chicken Store on Monday (parked not-supposed-to-ily in the handicap space behind the FREE AIR space), I heard a shrill whistle. Rounding the corner of the building, I saw that it was a young boy in the passenger seat of an old pickup truck. He was probably about 5 years old. The Boy reminded me of cheeky Prince Louis, but with a crewcut. He was jumping around in that truck cab like a little monkey. The whistle was impressive, though, for one so young. He wasn't even using his fingers.

I went inside and got in line. A few minutes later The Boy's father came in to pay for the gas he had been pumping. He was only there for a minute, and went back out the door. Huh. I figured he didn't want to stand and wait inside. But what he did was yell:


Looking past the cashier out the front window, I saw The Boy running around the back of the truck! My heart skipped a beat. Such a dangerous place for a young child! The Boy got back in the truck, and The Father came back inside. Keeping an eye on him through the door.

After paying, I was walking past that truck when a piercing whistle almost burst my eardrum! The Boy had waited until I was mere feet away from his window to exhibit his skill.

It's the teacher in me, I guess. I couldn't help myself. 

"Oh, trying to get into MORE trouble?"

I kept walking. Didn't even look at The Boy. He was just wanting attention. Not getting it from me! I'm sorry, but I don't encourage misbehavior in other people's children. I refuse to pretend that it's cute for a kid to be bratty. Even cheeky Prince Louis.

It takes a Gas Station Chicken Store to raise a child...


  1. Teacher in me has to bite lips frequently when a child is doing something stupid, and parents are blind to it.

    1. At least Whistler's Father was not blind to his behavior. I'm pretty sure there was no whistling when he got back in the truck and drove away.

  2. Have you noticed the cute one are the brattiest! But Dad needs to parent better!

    1. Yes. I can't deny that Whistler was physically cute as a bug's ear. But his behavior was not! At least his dad seemed to know that he needed to keep an eye on Whistler. Who is at the crossroads of becoming a future ne'er-do-well if his behavior remains unchecked.

  3. I wish I could whistle more than a whisper. My dad used to whistle entire songs. I'm glad the boy got back in the truck at least.

    1. Yes! Whistler was so small that he could not be seen over the top of a car, and could have darted out into danger.

      I can give a pretty good whistle using two fingers, but not nearly as loud as this kid did fingerless.
