Wednesday, May 4, 2022

CasinoPalooza 8: Hick, the Law-Abiding Stickler

Hick behaved himself through most of CasinoPalooza. He didn't grouse about losing his money. He didn't steal food off anybody's plate. And he dropped me off at the door of all the casinos, with The Pony as my assistant. It was on the way home that Hick's true colors seeped out like Val's life fluid through a car-door-gouged leg-hole.
We left at the same time a my sister the ex-ex-mayor's wife and the ex-ex-mayor. They were behind us until XXM got fed up with passing the big trucks and then having them pass him back. Hick must love that scenario, because that's how he always drives, refusing to take off the cruise control. I'd just as soon back off and let them get ahead of us. XXM's tactic was to speed a little to get ahead of THEM.

When we stopped at the rest area about 90 minutes later, XXM and Sis were already there. Hick parked A-Cad next to them. They got out and walked in as I was getting out of the car. Hick walked around the front, and stood holding my cane like he was helping me. I had told him to go on in, that it would take a minute for me to unstiffen my legs. But there he was, for the first time ever, waiting.

Once I got up on the curb to the sidewalk, Hick gave me my cane. Then he took off walking. He does this regularly. Acts like he is going to walk with me, then forges 20 steps ahead. No looking back. I could be laying on the sidewalk with my teeth knocked out, and he'd never know. So I tell him to go on ahead, so he can't feel altruistic about walking with me.

We were quite some distance from the entrance. I'd say we were only 3 spaces from the far end of the parking lot. An older couple (older than US) had parked on the other side of Sis and XXM. I was barely halfway to the entrance when the Oldsters overtook me. They were NOT walking fast.

Hick was nowhere in sight when I saw Sis and XXM come out the main door of the rest stop. Sis was laughing her fool head off silently as I caned up the slight incline. Smirking.

"Why didn't you park closer?"

"Good question! I wasn't the one driving."

Sis and XXM started back to their car. Hick was just inside the double doors, having already done his business, lurking around the snack and soda machines. I went past him, through the archway that led to the men's room on the left, and the women's room on the right. Each one has TWO sections of stalls. The women's room hallway on the left had yellow tape stretched across the open doorway. There was a sign that said CLOSED FOR MAINTENANCE. So I went to the right. 

Three of the four regular stalls were in use. As was the handicap stall at the far end. Of course I had to wait for that one. A lady came in and stood beside me. 

"Oh. Are they all full?"

"No. There's one. Go ahead. I'm waiting on the one with handles."

You'll never guess who was in the handicap stall. That Mrs. Oldster who had spryly passed me on the way in! I'm not judging. Maybe she had a case of arthritis that made her require assistance when attempting to abdicate the throne. But she was a slim woman without limp, cane, or walker, and they had not parked in the handicap area.

As I was waiting at the entrance to that stall area, I saw a uniformed man come out of the other side, removing the yellow tape. So I went that way, and used the handicap stall on that side. When I finally came out, Hick was still at the machines.

"Sorry it took so long. Somebody was in the handicap stall, and I had to wait."

"You should have used the family restroom."

"Oh. I didn't think of that. Besides, a family might have needed it. Okay, I'm here now. You can start walking 20 paces ahead of me back to the car."

As Hick was pulling ahead down the sidewalk outside the main doors, I called to his back:

"Sis asked why we didn't park closer."

Over his shoulder, speedy Hick said, "You're not handicapped."
I refused to justify that statement with an answer, as I hobbled slowly back to A-Cad with my FREAKIN' CANE, the hole in my left calf oozing fluid down my pants leg. 

Leave it to Hick to be a stickler for the law, when he's not scamming free drywall from Lowe's.

Emergency At a Non-Gas-Station Chicken Store
The Hotel Refuses to Give Val the Boot
Did Hick Make a Payoff to Try to Kill Val?
Sis Tries Her Casino Restaurant BBQ Sauce Tactic Again [with food photos]
An Emo Guy Almost Lames The Pony [with food photos]
Sis Should Be Careful What She Asks For [with food photos]
Val's Pulsating Weirdo Magnet
Hick, the Law-Abiding Stickler


  1. My hubby just recently asked the doctor for a handicap placard, since he has to limp with cane from car to store. Babyface doc looked over his records, read: spinal stenosis, chipped vertebrae, arthritis in feet and spine...and said, "You qualify for life. Take this form to the license bureau." I guess age has something to do with it as well.
    Tell Hick the cane makes you eligible.

    1. I believe that if you're with a person with mobility issues who is going inside the establishment, you should be able to park in the handicap space. Like when The Pony had his broken ankle. Or pregnant women. Or even somebody recovering from pneumonia. If they have a difficulty, even for a short time, they should be allowed to park there. And NOT a spouse or friend who goes to the store alone, and uses the handicap placard when they don't have issues.

      I have put off asking my doctor (nurse practitioner) about such a handicap placard. Hick is sometimes not the most reasonable person to deal with...

  2. Selective law abiding. You should ask for a handicap sticker for sure! HeWho would love one!

    1. Ain't THAT the truth! Hick abides by the laws that don't save him money, and disregards those that do when they're broken.

      HeWho could ask his doctor about the handicap placard, but that would mean he'd have to actually LISTEN to the doctor's response.

  3. I have used the handicapped restrooms when my toddler /young grandkids need to use the restroom if there isn't a family restroom available. So much roomier, that's for sure! Besides, anyone can use the handicapped restroom, there is no law right now restricting use.

    1. Yeah, that's why I didn't judge spry Mrs. Oldster. People can have issues that are not obvious when you look at them.

      I can't stand up without those grab bars, but even I hate to think that a wheelchair person is waiting on me to come out. I'll take the smaller stall with grab bars rather than the big handicap stall if one is available. The casinos have both!

  4. The stiff knees and cane are evidence enough, but the fluid-leaking leg makes it harder to ignore the fact that you do need to be closer to facilities. I still think you should apply for a handicap sticker for your cars.

    1. If only you'd been there to talk some sense into Hick!
