Wednesday, April 20, 2022

They're a Resourceful Bunch

The Pony seems unfazed by those LLVs (Long Life Vehicles) that appear to be held together solely by the filth that has accumulated over the decades. And by the bent stair rail that resulted in a spine-jarring spill on the wet steps from the loading dock. Of course, The Pony is not one to get overly-excited. However, he WAS impressed by something he saw in the employee restroom:

"We have that really cheap thin toilet paper on the giant rolls that don't fit on a dispenser. So somebody took an Amazon box, and a pencil, and made their own dispenser."

Looks functional to me.


  1. Wow, this should be on Pinterest!! The person who did this should receive a medal!

    1. The person who did this might wish to remain anonymous. I'm not sure if such a use of the Amazon box is frowned upon by the USPS who does their dirty work by delivering on Sundays.

  2. Necessity is the mother of invention.

  3. Creative, indeed. Good job, Pony.

    1. The Pony took the picture, but cannot claim credit for the invention!

  4. Looks fine to me too. I've used a papertowel holder in the past to hold a roll too large for the spindle. The triple length rolls that were all that was available after the great roll shortage of 2020, when TP began coming back to the shelves.
    Thank you for allowing Even Steven to visit here, I found a five cent piece by the bus stop as I came out of Ikea today.

    1. I did not see any gigantic rolls here, other than commercial ones such as in the picture.

      You're welcome for the services of Even Steven. I have been out of town since Tuesday, so he was free to dabble with other deserving finders.
