Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Speaking of Parking Lot Problems...

When I returned to T-Hoe from Country Mart on Monday, I saw THIS across from me:

What kind of inconsiderate oaf does THAT?

I tried to put myself in such a scenario. If I had my young child in that little car, and perhaps an infant in a basket, I might not want to leave them in my car while I returned the cart. You can't leave small children alone in a car. But you CAN unload your groceries, take that cart to the corral, or park it by a light pole out of the way of future parkers, and THEN grab your toddler out of the little car, and pick up your basket baby to walk back to your car.

A wider view shows that the perpetrator could have put that kiddie cart up against the light pole without much hardship. The cart corral was to the left, one space farther than that red sedan. ANOTHER cart corral was one space to the left of T-Hoe. The store itself is to the right, the sidewalk just across the driving lane by the light pole parking space.

Let the record show that Val does not always return her cart/walker. After a half-hour gathering groceries, and ten minutes in line, it's painful to toddle across pavement on knee bones that grind against each other without benefit of cartilage. If a cart is sitting out, I take it in with me on the way in, and leave it near where I got it after loading T-Hoe. In the very least, I park it against the building, or a light pole where none of the spaces will be obstructed, and the wind won't blow it into cars or the driving lane. On less painful days, I take it back inside to the indoor cart corral.

What's that? Did I just hear a whinny from a high-horse, begging me to hop on for a ride?


  1. Don't get me started, I never come away from the supermarket without an axe to grind. Not putting the carts back in the cart place is a big dull axe.

    1. Okay! I won't axe you about carts strewn all willy-nilly across the parking lot!

  2. People are just damn inconsiderate & lazy these days.

    1. They are saving their energy for FIGHTS over petty perceptions of disrespect.

  3. I'm guessing the three/four year old insisted on parking his own car and the mum was too frazzled to deal with it.

    1. I'm sure she would blame it on the kid when the High-Horse Brigade shows up to throw a net over her like an unfortunate human in Planet of the Apes! Even though the kid can't actually drive it like a Flintstone car, because his feet won't go through the bottom. Plus he has TWO steering wheels!
