Monday, September 18, 2023

What's New at the SUS2

Hick updated the storefront of his SUS2 (Storage Unit Store 2) last week.

It looks appealing enough to me, though I am not one to frequent flea markets.

Hick has also taken to advertising by means of giving away free key chains. 

He turned them so they don't show the side printed with his store name and phone number. The key ring is attached to an aluminum bottle opener, that also will flip up the tabs on beverage cans. I think they make a colorful display. Hick has more of them, but put a few in a beer glass so customers can choose the color they prefer.

Is it just me, or does Hick's store look like a place you could find a mogwai or Harry Potter wand? Seems like he has a little bit of everything. Including half-consumed bottles of Diet Mountain Dew.


  1. Ha! Ha! I don't know about the half-consumed bottles of Diet Mountain Dew but I like the look of Hick's storefront too. It looks like a fun place to shop when looking for something different or unique:)

    1. You never know what you might find in Hick's inventory. He said that yesterday, he bought a bunch of small figurines like yard ornaments. Had them in the back of his truck. He paid $20 for all of them, and was waiting until he had a place to display them. A lady walked by and saw them in his truck, and bought them for $35. So Hick made $15 profit. Not bad for the time and effort he had in those items.

  2. It all makes the store more intriguing and I'd be more likely to step inside and browse.

    1. Hick will probably switch out the display after a while, to show other items from his eclectic inventory. He's already bemoaning the approach of winter. He'll hang on until lack of customers makes the drive unprofitable.

      With hunting season coming up, he might have a little spike in business from the outdoorsmen. Then perhaps he'll put out some holiday stuff for thrifty Christmas shoppers.

  3. I would most definitely enter his treasure store of oddities! The store front would appeal to me, hinting of stuff that I might find a need for!

    1. I'm sure you would find something you NEED! Something you had no idea you needed until you saw it, heh, heh. As well as collectibles and hunting/fishing equipment, Hick has household goods and antique things. If you need a good pocket knife, Hick's your guy! Or maybe a cast-iron skillet suitable for cooking, or whacking intruders.
