Thursday, September 28, 2023

That's Bananas!

Hick and I must have our daily potassium, without taking those awkward horse pills they gave me that time I ended up in the ER with severely low potassium. It's a chore, really, trekking to the store twice a week for bananas. I buy eight at a time. Four for Hick, four for me. One a day. It's not like I can buy a case of them and dole them out through the month.

The best bananas were from Country Mart. With my local store closed for renovations until October 18, I am loathe to drive over to Sis-Town to that branch for my bananas. Which means I've been getting them at Save A Lot. They've never had good bananas. Usually, their bananas are short and stubby, and ripen too fast. However, this week they were more green, the way we like them. There was a new drawback: STEMS!

Why should I have to pay for the STEMS? It's not like they can be eaten. When I pay by the pound, I prefer to be purchasing edible material. I won't go so far as to accuse Save A Lot of conspiring to defraud me by selling stemmy bananas. This is not a regular habit for them, unlike Walmart injecting their meat with water.

Anyhoo... this thought was on my mind because a few days ago, I was watching Extreme Cheapskates reruns and saw a lady who PEELED HER BANANAS before buying them! Seriously. She took a big ziploc bag, and left the peels in the bin with the other bananas. The look on another customer's face was priceless! I am fully aware that shows such as Extreme Cheapskates play up people's eccentricities, and stage some of the footage. This gal even picked the grapes off the stems, although such stems weigh next to nothing.

Save A Lot needn't worry. I don't have the guts to snip off the stems before buying bananas.


  1. Those aren't stems, they are natures banana pop-tops!

    1. Nature needs to hire somebody to do a study on the length of the pop-top, and the energy the plant must expend to grow it!

  2. "I prefer to be purchasing edible material", so perhaps you should peel the bananas HA HA. I haven't bought bananas since last summer here and even then only a few. If I can't smell banana when I pick them up, I know they are cold storage ones and won't buy them, because they don't have any flavour left. When I can smell banana, I buy them as often as I can until the supply runs out.

    1. I don't begrudge my edible material having a wrapper. But the stem that long is a waste of my money. I am not a banana sniffer. No need to give people one more reason to stare at me!

  3. I actually saw an elderly man with his pocketknife out, struggling to cut off the whole stem. I cannot imagine. How much does a whole bag of stems weigh, much less three or four. Bananas are my favorite fruit, and I eat one a day. Well, I did until being advised diabetics should only eat half a banana each day. Although I have never been tested or anyone has suggested I need more potassium, I do eat them for their health benefits. However, the taste is what I like. I could eat a banana sandwich every day of my life--bread, banana, peanut butter, and Miracle Whip.

    1. Good thing I don't carry a pocket knife, but my mom did, in her purse. I doubt she would have done any trimming. I don't blame the guy for paring those stems. Hick and I need the potassium because our blood pressure med can deplete it. I've never tried a banana sandwich. Bread and a banana seems wrong, even the Elvis version.

  4. I have yet to see someone peeling bananas before weighing them! In Minnesota, everybody shucks the fresh corn on the cob. No weight involved and the only reason I can think is they don't want the mess in their kitchen. But, ..... the corn starts to dry out as soon as you shuck it. I like to cook mine in the shuck, either in the microwave or on the grill. I suppose it would be ok if they planned to cook it that night, but I will leave the shucking until I am ready to cook.

    1. Maybe they are checking for worms! Hick sometimes cooks the corn in the husk on the grill. I usually just wrap them in plastic wrap and microwave for a minute and ten seconds.
