Sunday, September 17, 2023

The Cadaver Bone's Connected to the Hick Bone

Hick went back to the back doctor last week. He received a good report. Things are healing as they should. He is still going to keep taking the gabapentin. 

Hick has not been having any pain issues lately, other than soreness from tripping at HOSS's (Hick's Oldest Son's Son) football game on Thursday. The announcer called for people parked in a certain area to move their cars, and as Hick was walking behind a parked truck, he tripped over a speed bump. Guess that slowed him down! HOS was beside him, and asked if he was all right. Seems that he was.

Anyhoo... Hick sent me a picture of his back x-ray. Like a proud parent of implanted screws and plates and cadaver bone and new growth, he'd like me to share it with you. Don't worry. There won't be a slide show. 

That's a view of both sides of the spine. Rods and screws installed. I'm surprised Hick didn't have more post-surgery pain! I cut off the top of the computer screen showing Hick's info. So don't think he's been fooling me and is just at that clinic for Botox!

That's one side. According to Hick, the square is the cadaver bone. The ghostly white area around it is where Hick's new bone is growing. That's a good thing. Eventually, it will stabilize Hick's vertebrae.

I'm glad we don't have any magnets on FRIG II, lest they jump off and attach to Hick's back.


  1. The thought of Hick wandering through his day with magnets attacking him is funny! Like HeWho becoming more bovine with his cow veins!

    1. Heh, heh! We could put them to work in a circus sideshow, and rake in big bucks as their "managers!"

  2. My BIL went to the Mayo hospital this summer for a back fusion. Looking at his x-rays and Hick's x-rays amaze me on what the surgeons can do with the rods and screws. I wish Hick Good Luck on continued recovery!

    1. Hope your BIL is on the mend. Hick is doing well, back to his regular activities, and sometimes overdoes it, in my opinion.

  3. So glad Hick is doing better! My guy took a tumble, too last week, but he is okay, too.

    1. Good to hear that Bill is okay after his own "Hicktacle." That's a spectacle Hick makes of himself!

  4. This gives me hope. I have to go in for back surgery. But, I was told I would not be able to walk when i left the hospital after ten days to spend six weeks in a rehab center. Maybe it can be fast and I can walk sooner like Hick. What did he have repaired?

    1. I'm pretty sure it was two discs in his lower back that had disintegrated, and the bones were pressing on a nerve. Hick had a few days in the hospital. Was never offered a rehab facility. He had a back brace fitted before the surgery, and a walker afterwards, and the offer of a home health nurse to check on him daily, which he did not want. The pain was not bad for him, but he moved slowly, and needed special tools to put on his socks and wipe his rumpus. They gave him instructions for this before discharge. Said if he was walking before the surgery, he would be able to walk afterwards.

  5. I'm glad Hick is recovering nicely but I am also glad there is nothing in my back that I wasn't born with. I guess all that looks more painful than it feels.

    1. Compared to the pain he had before, Hick is happy with the outcome. And when he wants sympathy, he can show off that photo!
