Wednesday, September 20, 2023

The Gas Station Chicken Store Hot Potato

Only one customer was ahead of me Tuesday when I entered the Gas Station Chicken Store. I was shocked to see that my favorite cashier was working. Not her day. But I was even more shocked to see that the thirty-something dude paying with a card was standing with his heel almost on a FIVE-DOLLAR BILL!!!

"Is that your five dollars? I know it's not mine."

"Oh. Um. No. It's not mine. Do you want it?"

"No! It's not mine."

Dude handed it to the cashier, who laid it on the register while the dude finished paying for his gas and a suitcase of Miller Lite beer. Which he almost forgot! Started walking off until she reminded him.

Anyhoo... when I stepped up, I said, "At least you'll get five dollars when your shift is over!"

"No. I have to put it in the drawer."

"WHAT? I should have said it was mine, and then I could have given it to you!"

"Do you want it?"

"No! It's not mine. Too bad it goes to the Woman Owner."

"This morning she gave me a nice bonus! A crisp $100 bill!"

"Ooh! That was so nice! I will never say anything bad about her again!"

"Yeah. The schedule has been changing. They called me in today. Early. Buy that was really nice."

"Yes. You deserve it."

Anyhoo... I guess floor money goes to the house! 


  1. Oh my gosh... you all are too honest. ha!

    1. It would only be a feather in my Future Pennyillionaire cap. That's 500 pennies!!! But too much random money for me to pick up with a clear conscience.

  2. Laying on the floor and no one noticed it except you! That was hard to pass by! You are right, though, it would only bring you angst!

  3. I would have scooped it up. Maybe. Maybe I would have handed it over in case someone came back looking for it.

    1. I figure whoever lost it needs it more than I do. So in case they came back looking for it, I didn't want to take it.
