Monday, September 11, 2023

Enduring The Universe's Unwanted Gift

What is wrong with people??? Specifically, the species called The Backroadsian Male.

I was at the counter of the Gas Station Chicken Store on Sunday evening, trading some winning scratchers for some more winning scratchers. I was the only one in the store. Chatting with my favorite cashier. But then trouble arrived!

One guy. Perhaps early 40s. Stood behind me awaiting his turn. But he could not shut his mouth! He was obviously a regular. Bantering with my favorite cashier. She was cordial enough, but her attention was on me. The current customer.

On and on he went! At one point, I turned around to see if he was on his phone, so constant were his comments. Perhaps he was loudly chatting with a wife or friend. But no. No phone. He thought his comedy routine took precedence over my transaction. 

I don't monopolize the cashier during anyone else's transaction. I keep my mouth shut. If it's busy, I rarely make a comment. Just get my business done. But this guy! He thought he was The Universe's gift to the Gas Station Chicken Store. His vocalism interfered with my business. I could hardly hear what tickets were sold out. And my favorite cashier was almost flustered into ringing up my purchase wrong.

It's not like this guy was Adonis, and my favorite cashier a raving beauty who could not resist his charms. She is married, with adult children. It's not like she's a waitress enduring such attention to garner a good tip. 

Seriously! What is WRONG with people! It's like this guy didn't get enough attention as a child.


  1. Hi Val, For sure some people think they are "all that" and they're not. I would have been fuming by the time I left the counter.

    1. I was glad to get away. His babbling was giving me a headache. I don't begrudge another regular some chit-chat with MY cashier. I just mind while it's during MY TURN!

  2. I'm betting he got ALL the attention as a child and now believes it is his right to take centre stage wherever he goes.

    1. Maybe he was overly spoiled. Reminds me of my former colleague's fiance', whose mother used to set an alarm and wake him at 2:00 a.m. for a piece of cake or pie. She was afraid he'd get hungry in the night. My colleague was trying to figure out a way to wean him off his overnight sweets.
