Friday, December 8, 2023

Val's Lump of Coal Has Arrived Early

Seems like only a few days ago, I was complaining talking about how hard it was to procure my regular breakfast food of Honey Nut Rollin' Oats at Save A Lot. I suppose The Universe did not like that kind of talk, and saw fit to contact and contract Even Steven to set me straight.

That's what I found in my cereal on Wednesday morning. Morning being noon:30, when I have my breakfast. Here's the flip side of it:

Good thing I was actually looking at my plate, and not just mindlessly chucking fake cheerios into my mouth absentmindedly! That's how I have my cereal. Dry, on a plate with a banana. I don't like milk.

At first, I thought it might be some of the legal percentage of insect particles that the FDA allows in cereal. Closer inspection revealed that it was a hard lump of something. Most likely the batter stuff that the cereal is made of. Perhaps stuck to whatever they cook on, and charred. I didn't try to taste it to find out. I'm glad I didn't break a tooth!

I still stand by my Honey Nut Rollin' Oats. I've eaten them for 20 years, and never had a problem. Gotta be a fluke. But I'm still going to be looking at my cereal before I take a bite.


  1. I am glad you watch what you eat! That is nasty looking.

    1. Heh, heh! Yes, in a certain manner, I watch what I eat. Because it was so dry, it wasn't toooooo nasty. As long as it didn't get into my mouth, it wasn't bad to touch and photograph.

  2. That would surely have broken a tooth!

    1. You ain't a-woofin'! A few more psi of pressure, and it might have turned into a DIAMOND!

  3. It looks like one of the rolled oats that got stuck in the toasting machine about five years ago and finally got dislodged and packed.

    1. That is a very good description of the circumstances that might have formed my "coal." You must be wearing a Sherlock Holmes hat, and smoking a meerschaum pipe!
