Friday, December 22, 2023

Even Santa Is Not Beyond Reproach

Hick brought in a good haul from the Christmas party at the Senior Center. He even went early to help set up. So maybe that was his scheme to reap the benefits. He said they had piles of presents to give out. Didn't mention how they went about it, but came home with a big gift bag.

I heard Hick come in. He was late, because of the weekly Wednesday night bingo. Didn't win anything there again! I heard rustling in the kitchen, and asked what he was doing. Strange noises in the presence of Hick require investigation.

"I was setting out something for you, from my bag. It's on the table."

There were actually four, but I ate a Santa head before it occurred to me to take a picture. Hick will be getting his cookies back. They are TASTELESS! That won't bother Hick at all! The cookies are not too hard, not too soft. The icing is just right. But both components are tasteless! How can you make a cookie without taste? I don't know if these were bought, or made by the staff. Somebody went to a lot of trouble. Maybe they're for elderlies on a bland diet.

Anyhoo... Hick's bag of goodies had some of these same cookies left for himself, and chocolates, candies, two pair of socks (that Hick really liked), a boxed set of shampoo and other toiletries, a blanket, and other stuff I can't remember. Kudos to the people who got this giveaway together for the elderlies.

In other news, gift-delivering Hick and his buddy had a complaint! A lady called the Senior Center to inform them that the lady next door got a bigger package that she did! Huh. Maybe SHE was on the naughty list!


  1. Sorry that those cookies were so bland because they sure look good don't they? That's so funny about the lady complaining that her neighbor got a bigger gift package than she did. I mean, come on, it's a gift. Just be thankful for getting the gift package.
    I guess there's no pleasing everyone:)

    1. The cookies looked good, and were soft when I bit into the Santa head. I was expecting them to be rock-hard storebought cookies. Unfortunately, I was also expecting a bit of flavor! I suppose a bland cookie is better than NO cookie, but I gave them back to Hick. Who ate the broken-necked reindeer last night.

  2. I can understand tasteless cookies, but how is it possible for icing to be tasteless? That stuff is 99% sugar! Sugar isn't tasteless. I'm wondering if these were just very old cookies.

    1. I have no idea how this taste(lessness) was accomplished. Maybe they used less sugar and put in something else? I think if they were old cookies, they would have had a taste: stale! Or they might have been hard, not soft.

    2. Sugar substitute. To cater for the diabetics.

    3. That wouldn't surprise me, since they knew it was for the elderlies, who often have special dietary needs.

  3. If a sweet is not delicious, I won't consume the calories. I wonder why her package was smaller. I suppose a person who cannot get out wants the most she can get. It is funny she called to complain.

    1. There were many different gifts, not all the same. So I guess the complainer got something in a smaller package. It might even have been a better gift that the large one! I have a feeling this is not the only complaint that lady has made concerning her neighbor... There must be a feud, or a competitive issue.
