Monday, December 18, 2023

It Was Food

That's about the best review I can give our lunch at the casino last Tuesday.

Let the record show that when we started going to this casino, we LOVED the food! They had a buffet! A most extravagant and satisfying buffet. It was worth the 90-minute drive just to eat there. Sadly, the buffet was closed before The Virus struck. I think it was even before the casino changed ownership.

We learned to settle for the grill inside the gambling area. The burgers were good. There was a pretty good selection. I liked the 1 lb of catfish nuggets. The nachos. The BBQ brisket on toast. The pulled pork sandwich. Hick liked the big fat slices of pie. But those things are not offered now. The pie is about 1/3 the size it used to be. A mere sliver. I wouldn't be surprised if we show up one day, to find only a bored lady sitting behind a wooden crate with a handwritten sign proclaiming: Lemonade, $5. That's the sad state of dining at this casino now. The big fancy restaurant is not open during the times we're there, and we wouldn't eat there anyway. 

Tuesday's trip was a good time, but we all had second thoughts after strapping on the feedbag. Hick tried a new item that is only being offered during December.

They're called Red Star Fries, but I think Hick would give them ZERO stars. It was fries topped with white cheddar Wisconsin cheese curds, chicken gravy, and andouille sausage. He said the taste was fine, but it was too messy to eat. Yes, he used a fork.

"It might have been okay on a glass plate. But not on that paper. It made the paper dissolve. I kept feeling like I was eating paper. I might have been."

The Pony had a fried chicken sandwich and fries:

It was a normal size chicken sandwich, not a slider like this picture makes it look. The Pony took the picture, the perspective of which gives him a gargantuan hand and giant fries. As you might notice, The Pony has peppered the fries. That ruins them! Hick and Genius do it, too.

I also had the fried chicken sandwich and fries:

At least this time, I got more than a single ring of onion! The Pony had them leave off his pickles, but I like them. He had a normal amount of sauce. I barely had any. It looks like mayo mixed with hot sauce, but I didn't have enough to judge the flavor. Pardon all the napkins in the background. I used every one of them!

Yes, it was a nice plump piece of chicken. The taste was good. That's a benefit, since I had to chew each bite like an Everlasting Gobstopper. So did The Pony! The chicken breast we each had was composed of those twisted fibers that are almost impossible to chew. I guess the management is buying the cheapest ingredients available.

I would recommend this place if you were starving, or getting a headache from not eating, or have excess money to throw towards merely edible food. Our bill was $50.89. That's half a nice scratcher winner! The portions and selections have decreased, yet the prices have increased.

I am considering smuggling in a bologna sandwich in the future...


  1. Oh dear! I don't blame you for thinking about smuggling in a bologna sandwich in the future. I think I would start investigating other places close by to eat rather than eating at the casino. Maybe they'll get the message. Sad:(

    1. There's really nowhere we like to eat down there, though The Pony might vote for Krispy Kreme Donuts! We could stop at McDonalds on the way there or back, which would be about the same quality.

  2. Go ahead and smuggle in that bologna sandwich! Take one each for whoever accompanies you too. Then just buy fries as a side dish. I hate any meat that has to be chewed and chewed seemingly forever.

    1. That's an idea. The fries are good. They cost $3. We can carry in our free drinks from the soda fountain on the casino floor. That should be enough to tide us over until a real meal later, at home or otherwise.

  3. I vote for smuggling! Casinos used to have the best food! I only ever went to eat, as I am not a good gambler! I would spend my $2 roll of nickles and be done with it! A nice latte and a book kept me happy in between sidling up to HeWho at the poker table for more money while he was distracted. I pocketed a lot of twenties!!

    1. My favorite gambling aunt used to do that. Once she spent her money, she'd sit with a book until I was ready to leave. She didn't ask me for money, though! And I'm not smart enough to play poker.
