Thursday, November 23, 2023

Terrific Tuesday

Tuesday was SUCH A GOOD DAY for Val!

It was errand day, due to the Thanksgiving Dinner not going to cook nor serve itself on Thursday. So I was off to Sis-Town to the bank, where I pulled into my favorite drive-thru lane where I can reach the canister without risking T-Hoe's now non-foldable mirrors. And mere seconds before a car pulled into the lane on my left, and a truck into the lane on my right. FIRST, baby!

Next stop, the Casey's, where T-Hoe did not yet need gas. A truck backed out of my favorite parking space next to the walkway with a ramp, so I waited and parked there. Inside, NO ONE was in line!

From there, I went to the main post office to mail a Genius letter, our electric bill, and several four figureses of real estate and personal property taxes. I went inside, to make sure the tax envelope did not weigh too much. No good comes of having your tax payments returned for insufficient postage! I also bought two books of stamps. The very polite clerk, an acquaintance of The Pony, was at the counter. With NO OTHER CUSTOMERS! 

Back at the Gas Station Chicken Store, I got my favorite parking spot, and only had to wait for one other customer to put his change in his pocket before it was my turn. On the way out, I found an object of my desire on the pavement as I walked back to T-Hoe. 

There was no traffic at the light, and I was able to make my right-on-red to head home. The next two lights I approached were both green. Nobody tailgated me, and I did not encounter a hay trailer!

Once home, my little Jack was waiting for me at the edge of the BARn field, and raced me to the garage. Scarlett was so preoccupied with Hick burning cardboard boxes while sitting on the tailgate of SilverRedO over by the BARn that she forgot to jump at me from the side porch. She ran back and forth, kitchen door to front porch, to look and make sure the object of her ADORATION was still sitting by his burn pile, and then back to see if I was ready to hand out a treat.

Inside, I discovered that Hick had swept the kitchen floor, cleared off his junk from the table, vacuumed the living room, and FIXED MY CLOGGED SINK! So getting Thanksgiving dinner prepared could be my focus the next day.

Oh, and a half hour later, I scratched my lottery tickets, and found:

TWO $100 winners on $5 tickets!

On the blue ticket, I had five prizes of $5, and three of the $25 power spots. On the crossword, I had three words in the top section: LILY, LET, and TEA. Which would have won me $5, except I had the 20X multiplier. Can't beat that with a penny!

I'm pretty sure Wednesday will not be able to compete. 


  1. Wow! You are doing so good on your lottery tickets. I never buy them so I'm very excited to see your wins:) Have a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner with Hick and The Pony!

    1. I play the lottery so others don't have to! Just one more service I provide. Actually, it's about the only service I provide, heh, heh.

      Thanksgiving dinner was great (pictures tomorrow), and The Pony stayed way longer than usual, until 4:45. AND I had the dishes washed up by 5:30.

  2. Well, it seems everything you could be thankful all happened on Tuesday. Good for you. I had my husband pick up a few things on Monday, at his lunchtime, and he said it was looking pretty picked over. The guy that works in his department, went to the same store on Wednesday, at lunchtime, and he said it was very, very busy but they were loaded and ready with piles of turkeys and pies everywhere. I guess everyone waits until the last minute. Turkeys in the oven and I baked a squash and made dressing and pumpkin pie yesterday, so only have to worry about peeling spuds for mashed potatoes and make gravy. Simple fare - just me and my husband, so no point in going too crazy. I how you have a great Thanksgiving and more good days like Tuesday, in your future. Ranee (MN)

    1. Good planning. I try to get a lot of preparations done the day before. We had ham this year, per Hick's request, so it was easier than turkey. I will tell the tale tomorrow.

  3. That was a magic day with no frustrations and plenty of rewards.

    1. Yes! Mama never said there'd be days like this!

  4. I'm guessing the weather was perfect as well? what a day!

    1. It was bright and sunny, around 48 degrees, so I wore a jacket. And it smelled very much like fall, with all the leaves having plummeted to the ground over the weekend.

  5. I know which onions Hick was talking about: fried and dried crispy little onion bits that come in jars. I bought some for my kids last year to see if they'd like them and now they buy their own.

    1. They used to come in a can, but I saw a lady at the store with a BAG of them! I'll get some for Hick. I already have green beans.
