Friday, November 3, 2023

Another Not-Winning Wednesday for Hick

Hick is the Little Engine That Couldn't. Oh, he still tries! Goes to the sports bar bingo every Wednesday. To date, he has won nothing. To hear him tell it, he came close.

"The prize was $250 cash. So no picture. But my friend almost won! She was one number away, then the guy sitting behind us bingo-ed!"

So... according to Hick, he was adjacent-adjacent to the win!

His meal was the same as he's had several times now:

It's the Potato Bombs. They must be really good. I think this is the first time we've seen them before Hick took a bite. But he DOES have the sour cream on them already!

I suppose one day Hick will win SOMETHING. Even if it's not the grand prize.


  1. He does sound enthusiastic and hopeful.

    1. I think he just likes to get out of the house! I know I certainly enjoy it...

  2. Those look good! Are they scoops of mashed potatoes?

    1. Hick says it is the potato they scooped out to save the skins for their potato skin menu item. So not mashed, but maybe smashed, with the toppings added.

  3. Those potatoes look delicious. Spread the word that my original blog, Practical Parsimony is up and working and the alternate blog, moreparsimony, now won't work!

    1. I'm sure that if I made those potatoes at home, they would not be so tempting for Hick!

      I was glad to see you reappear! I had been checking every day, and went to your old blog on a whim, on the day you put out that TEST post. No coincidences, I say.

  4. The potato bombs sound interesting, that would be enough reason to keep Hick going there.

    1. Whatever gets him out of this door and into that one is fine with me. Hick doesn't have to spend every non-working moment with me.

  5. I wish HeWho had a place to go. Even once a week would be a nice break!
