Thursday, March 5, 2020

VAL People Problem #11,578: A Fried Dough Faux Pas

Hick stopped to pick up treats on the way home from our little trip on Tuesday. I don't mean the firearms he got at a pawn shop for resale, or the trinkets he didn't show me from Goodwill. No, it was donuts Hick procured. Right in front of me! Okay, to share with me. Instead of sneaking them in secret every morning at Casey's.

When Hick brought the box to the car, I asked what kind he got. He muttered something about some filled ones, and pink icing, and white with some stripes, and
"...some with funny faces."

"What? I don't get it."

"They had funny faces on them. I can't describe it any better than that."

Can nobody take pride in a job well done these days? Once again, I am grateful that I don't need brain surgery, I haven't booked a ticket on a rocket to Mars, and I don't live next to a nuclear power plant.

Nope. My problem pales in comparison to those scenarios. But I WOULD like to see my donut winking at me the proper way. Not with a wonky, upside-down eyelid.

How, in this day of emojis, could such a tragic culinary-artist faux pas be foisted onto the innocent public? And don't think that right eye is wasted on me! I don't see any lines representing the straps of a pirate eye-patch. That's just a terrible frosting rendering of a drooling smiley-face peeper.

It was almost as if Thomas Jefferson missed the boot when sitting down to take a crap!

There's not even the excuse of it being a knock-off supermarket donut. This treat came from KRISPY KREME! Also, it was not an isolated incident. There were two of these in the box, EXACTLY ALIKE!

This is truly a black eye for the Krispy Kreme empire.


  1. I just don't get the vase, but I would eat a donut right now.

    1. I DID eat a donut just now! Well, a few hours ago, as dessert. It was a normal chocolate-topped filled Krispy Kreme. Not a wonky-eyed smiley-face.

      I put in the link to the original Thomas Jefferson boot-crapping post. Other than that, it's inexplicable.

  2. First thing I noticed. Shame on them! Did you ever make your own donuts?

    1. No! But I thought about it. And looked at the pans yesterday afternoon. In case that counts as not being a slothful donut-making evader.

  3. They should turn the light out for those donuts!

    1. Yes! When I think of a "special" donut, I don't picture this kind of special. We were there in the late afternoon, around 4:00. I didn't ask Hick if the light was on.

  4. That wrecked donut is from Krispy Kreme? shame on them. But if you want to see some really wrecked cakes, visit the really good days show what the cake was supposed to look like then you see what the baker/decorator did. I like the Sunday Sweets days when they show cake decorating perfection.

    1. Yes. It's a blight on their reputation! I will check that out. I see pictures of them sometimes on the UK Daily Mail, and those cakewrecks crack me up.

  5. P.S. I HATE the 'creme' filling in Krispy Kremes, what is that exactly? It tastes awful and has the texture of face cream. The heavy 'cold cream' type. I remember biting into one, then tearing it open and scraping out the awfulness.

    1. The wonky smiley face had a yellowish custard filling, which was very good. The regular filled donuts, with chocolate icing on top, have the white filling. Which I also find delicious. I'm normally not a filled-donut kind of Val, but every now and then, I enjoy them.

  6. I only like the original glazed Krispy Kreme. Have you seen the ad for KFC paired with KK. I guess I won't be eating any of those!

    1. The glazed are my LEAST favorite. I only eat them if they're mixed with others that Hick bought, and I'm not able to trade mine for one of his.

      I HAVE seen the ad, and I WON'T be trying it!
