Sunday, April 1, 2018

Go Greyhound, Don't Leave the Sweaving to Hick

No, Hick hasn't done anything out-of-his-ordinary in the driving department. We didn't take a trip. I just found this picture I don't think I've shared yet.

I thought it was an emblem off the side of a bus, maybe. Or a hood ornament, except that I don't think a Greyhound Bus has a hood. It's metal, though. And according to the finger unit that Hick held up, about 3-4 inches long.

Hick says it's a pin. Like for the bus driver to wear on his jacket or shirt. I'm pretty sure that could lead to a worker's comp claim for a back injury. Metal is heavy, by cracky! Wearing that thing all day long could give a driver a dowager's hump. Bad posture. And you can bet I would be wearing rubber-soled shoes in a thunderstorm.

Where, oh where, has that little dog gone? Hick says he doesn't remember where he put it. Not that there will be a bevy of nostalgic Greyhound Bus drivers rummaging around in Hick's Storage Unit Store. It's just an unusual item.


  1. It does look like a pin, those two (earring) backs suggest that, they're like the pins with those backers that Army people have their insignia to pin on their shirts.
    Being metal and quite long, I'd say the greyhound was for a jacket or cap, not a shirt.

    1. Yeah, I didn't notice the backs the first time I looked at Hick's picture. I thought it was bigger.

  2. Hmm, makes a curious person wonder. I think the Greyhound Bus drivers used to wear those.

    1. It's a wonder Hick didn't find any uniforms, too! Then he could get a part-time job, maybe, SWEAVING a bus!
