Sunday, September 4, 2022

Despite His Protestations, I Declare Hick a Knockout

Hick had a medical procedure two weeks ago, knowing he would have a follow-up procedure on Friday. The Pony kindly took a day off work each time to drive him, since that is frowned upon after anesthesia. Hick received good instructions as to what was expected of him before the first appointment. Not so much for the second one. 
The Pony kept me informed by text as to what was happening. He and Hick arrived home while I was still in town. Hick wasn't even loopy. So of course I quizzed him about the details.
"It took so little time for the second procedure!" 


"Pony said it only took about 15 minutes this time."

"Yeah, once they got me in there. The longest time was waiting for my IV antibiotics to get done afterwards, before they'd let me go home."

"Did they knock you out?"


"You were AWAKE during the procedure?"

"No. I wasn't awake."

"Then you were knocked out."

"Val, they didn't knock me out. I woke up in the recovery room, wondering where I was, and the gal was surprised. She said, 'Oh, you're awake! Usually people are still asleep when we get them.'"

"So... you were knocked out!"

"I was NOT! The doctor came in before they took me back, and talked to us. Pony was there, too. Ask Pony. And the anesthesiologist came in and explained they wasn't puttin' no tubes in."

"Were you able to hear what they were saying while they worked on you?"


"Then you were KNOCKED OUT!"


"If you were not awake during the procedure, you were knocked out! I don't know how you can't understand that! They gave you something so you were not conscious while they were working on you! It might not have been general anesthesia with a breathing tube, but you WERE KNOCKED OUT!"

"Whatever. I wasn't knocked out..."

"Usually they give you something else for any kind of procedure that's under 30 minutes. Not a general, but something to knock you out. Mine wore off that one time. I could hear everything they were saying about me, and their gossip about another doctor. But I couldn't talk or move. It was horrible!"

"I didn't know a thing."

I'm pretty sure Hick was knocked out. 


  1. Replies
    1. Heh, heh! That gave me an image of a pillow being pressed onto Hick's face! Thankfully he isn't taking a dirt nap.

  2. Definitely knocked out. But without general, it's no surprise he woke up bright and chirpy.

    1. I'm not sure what they used on Hick. But when I had a minor procedure, the main selling point of the anesthesiologist was that he would be using propofol, "the Michael Jackson drug." WAIT A MINUTE! That's the drug that KILLED Michael Jackson! But I didn't say anything, because who wants to irritate the person who's about to be responsible for keeping you alive while you're unconscious?

      Anyhoo... they told me that I'd wake up feeling more rested than after a good night's sleep. I did! No struggle to cough gas out of my lungs or anything. Not as quick a wake-up as when I was giddy with nitrous oxide for the dentist, but a quick wake-up. So they might have used that on Hick...
