Monday, September 9, 2019

That's Storage Unit Hickery!

I'm sure you eagerly await the reveal of Hick's new arrivals. Here are his latest items on display. This was not a business day. He took them up to his Storage Unit Store so they'd be ready for the weekend.

10 Walking Sticks: bought for $3 each, selling for $8 each

5 Tasers: bought for $9 each, selling for $15 each

3 Disco Light Lanterns: bought for $4.50 each, selling for $8 each

7 Bundles of Paintbrushes (3 in a bundle): bought for $.60 a bundle, selling for $1 a bundle

4 Texaco Signs: bought for $3.75 each, selling for $8 each
(keeping two of them for Hick's personal collection, one of each kind, for the BARn)

1 Gas Pump: bought for $26, NOT FOR SALE! Keeping for the BARn collection

According to my calculations, Hick spent $133.70 on this haul.
If he sells everything at the asking price, he will make take in $202.
That means he stands to make a profit of $68.
Plus, he got himself a Gas Pump and two Texaco Signs.

We know Hick will wheel and deal, and take less than what he's asking. Still, I'm sure he'll make a profit.


  1. I do not have high hopes for the walking sticks.

    1. Hick has mentioned selling walking sticks before, so I guess there's a market for them. We have state parks about 10 minutes north and south of us, with hiking trails and campgrounds.

  2. Of course he'll make a profit, he's good at what he does. I like the walking sticks, they'd make good bean poles in a garden somewhere.

    1. When my boys were younger, they would have LOVED to have a walking stick. Which they would have used for a WHACKER. Like paper towel rolls, wrapping paper rolls, and any other long cylindrical object they could get their hands on!

    2. My boys loved anything that could be used to whack anything else. I remember the day I unpacked a brand new fridge from it's box to find long sections of polystyrene foam, which they used to have "swordfights with and I spent the next few weeks vacuuming up stray bits of foam.

    3. I'm sure they had a great time with their foam swords, but you have my sympathies for the cleanup! I hate that foam, the little balls that break loose from the big pieces. The static makes them so hard to get rid of.

  3. I think he knows what he is doing and enjoys finding a deal. He found one with you am I right?

    1. Heh, heh! I'm the deal that keeps on giving!

  4. I admired the walking sticks too. First thing I spotted and if I were there I'd buy one or two.

    1. You know a quality walking stick when you see one! They have a rubber stopper on the bottom, AND a wrist strap up top. Can't beat that with a...well...with a STICK!
