Sunday, September 1, 2019

Building a Dynasty With Good Will

Hick picked up some new Goodwill merchandise for his Storage Unit Store when we left the casino last week.

He got the student guitar (the brown one) for $6, and the three dinosaurs for $1 apiece. He got the blue student guitar (also for $6) at the auction the previous weekend. He tried to describe the cartoon characters to me before taking this picture. Once he mentioned "Ferb," I knew it had to be Phineas and Ferb. I never saw an episode, but The Pony used to watch it way back when it was new.

Anyhoo... I asked Hick what he was asking for his dinosaurs, and he said, "I sold them yesterday, right after I took the picture. I sold a guitar, too!"

Not many units were open on Friday. Hick saw a lady coming along with a little boy and two little girls. "I ran and got my all my dinosaurs, to move them up front. I thought, 'I'm gonna sell those dinosaurs to this lady.' Sure enough, she came over and asked how much I wanted. I said $2 each, or $20 for the lot. There was 11 or 12 of them all together. She said, 'I'll take them all.' Them kids was happy."

The guitar sold on Saturday. I figured it was the blue one, after a kid saw it, but Hick said he sold the brown guitar. "There was this man and woman looking at stuff for their grandkids. The woman wanted the guitar, but the man said it wouldn't be right for the grandson. I said, 'It would be perfect as a guitar for a kid up to about 11 or 12.' I was asking $12 for it. The man kept telling the woman no. Then he found a knife he wanted, which was also $12. He said, 'What price can I get if I buy the knife and the guitar?' I told him, '$20 and they're yours!' He agreed. So I made $8 on that deal."

"Has that little old lady ever come back? The one you're trying to trick by moving your eggnog bowl and cups?"

"She was there today!"

"Did she come in? Did she find the eggnog bowl and get mad at you?"

"She came in. I told her, 'I've got a surprise for you.'"

She said, 'Don't tell me you sold that eggnog bowl!'

I said, 'No. But a guy was walking around out here yesterday with one of those bowls with a handle and a spout! Like you were looking for. If I'd a-known you'd be in today, I would have chased him down and bought it.'

She said, 'Did it have a lid?'

'I told her no, and she said she needs one with a lid. She IS looking for that spout bowl for her mixer.'"

"Well, at least she wasn't mad about you moving the eggnog bowl."

"No. She found it when she went on looking in the back. She did buy a couple of things."

Hick's barber gave him a bicycle. For free. Sure, it's a pink girl's bicycle. It's not like Hick was going to ride it. He parked it out front of his Storage Unit Store.

"There was a lady came in with her two daughters and four grandkids. She bought two bags of toys. They're $4 a bag. Just assorted toys that I bagged up. One of the little girls was looking at the bike. It works, but the rims are a little rusty.

The grandma said, 'Do you think you can ride that bike?' And the little girl said she thought she could.

I said, 'You can take that bicycle with you. No charge.' They were going to walk around and shop some more. On their way out, the grandma came back for the bicycle. She tried to give me $5 for it. Had it in her hand.

She said, 'Here. I wish you'd take this.'

I said, 'No. Somebody gave that bicycle to me. I didn't pay anything for it. Now I'm giving it to you.' She still wanted me to take the money, but I wouldn't. A couple standing next to my store heard the whole thing. After she left, the man said, 'That was a really nice thing to do.' I told him, 'It was given to me, so I just gave it to someone I thought could use it.'"

One of these days, there might be a HickMart coming to your town...


  1. Good-hearted Hick! I am liking that junk man more and more.

    1. Hick has his moments. He's very kind to people who are not me!

  2. The cartoon guitar, probably $10, the other I would think at least $20 if it is in good shape $30. I like his style, double your money and move it fast, nothing wrong with that!

    The bike deal will give him plenty of good karma, and possibly a little personal warm glow feeling...that is a really good deal!

    1. Yes, any profit is good enough for Hick. Those bike people will tell other people, and that will bring Hick more prospective customers.

  3. If a HickMart comes to my town, I'll be first in line.

    1. That would be a win-win. You'd get bargains, and Hick would make profits. You might even get a free bicycle!

  4. Hick has warmed my heart!! HeWho likes to give stuff away, too. Like lot rent.

    1. We have already ascertained that Hick and HeWho are brothers from another mother. Hick rented our rental duplex to a dude with a wife and toddler and baby, without a job. I was pulling for the college student. You know her parents would have paid on time!

      We ended up giving them hand-me-downs from Genius, and being lenient with their rent. They repaid our kindness by leaving holey and crayon-drawn walls, and a broken toilet that had cost extra in water and sewer charges over the three months before we evicted them.
