Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Creature Needs

Last night, I had retired (heh, heh, and I am also retired, get it) to my OPC (Old People Chair) to watch TV. I hadn't been there long. I was watching a DVR of My Big Fat Fabulous Life, halfway wondering why Buddy was being such a ignoramus to his ex-girlfriend while he was away in rehab...and mainly waiting to see if the sudden death that was foreshadowed at every commercial break was Mr. Pigglesworth. Not really paying attention. The other half of my mind was on the next morning, when I was taking some of Hick's storage unit loot over to the house of my sister the ex-mayor's wife.

Sis's daughter Niecy is a kindergarten teacher. We all know that teachers often dip into their own pockets to provide thing for their students and their classrooms. If we don't know that, then we've never been teachers, or had one in the family. Hick had found two boxes of crayons. BOXES. Also in those boxes were scissors and markers and pencils. Some of it brand new. Hick said he'd give the whole thing to Niecy, and she could sort out what she could use, and throw the rest away, or pass it on to her teacher friends if her kindergarteners couldn't use it.

As I sat there, considering what time I'd go, because I didn't want to interfere with the nap time of Babe, Sis's granddaughter who is 4 now...something caught my eye.

EEK! Something was ON me! YIKES! I'd just killed a big spider on the floor the night before! Oh! Please...don't let that be a spider on me!

It's hard to get out of my OPC (Old People Chair) in a hurry. I didn't even reach for the remote control. I just sat up straighter, and yanked out the front of my old ratty baby blue sweatshirt (Ol' Blue is still hangin' on) to see what it was, and flip it off me.

Whew! Not a spider! It was a ladybug. Friend, not foe! You wouldn't believe how hard it was to get a picture. That bug ran back and forth, from side to side, then kept trying to scale Mt. Val. I tried to redirect it with one hand, while taking a picture with the other. Sometimes I got it in frame. Barely.

This bug was as hyper as it was nearly comatose a few days ago, on Saturday night. I could barely keep it from ascending to my neck and probably face.

I finally put the phone down and used both hands, trying to get it on one finger or the other, to get it off my old ratty baby blue sweatshirt. I spent another five minutes or so trying to get that bug off my hand, where it would rather run around and find my wrist and head up my arm toward my face again.

Finally, I got it off my hand and onto the TV tray table, where it ran a couple laps around my yellow bubba cup full of ice water...and then settled down at the edge of that TV tray table next to me.

For the next 90 minutes, that bug didn't move. I swear it was watching TV with me. Then I looked again, and it was gone.

I guess all creatures need companionship every now and then.


  1. First I have to comment on how you save typing by using OPC in stead of spelling out "Old Peoples Chair", except you always then type out "Old Peoples Chair!" I think you need to put common Val acronyms on your side bar to save typing.
    OPC - Old Peoples chair
    PJ - Puppy Jack
    MSSJ - My sweet sweet Juno
    HOS - Hicks oldest son
    Second, Hick is not going to make any money in his storage unit business giving stuff away, he is too nice to be rich.
    Third - Doesn't that lady bug know to fly away home in case it's house is on fire and the her children might burn!

    1. It's just an affectation. All I HAVE is time, really, so typing out the words, too, makes me no nevermind. It seems like it would take me less effort than figuring out my sidebar again, and adding the code-breaking info.

      Oh, Hick doesn't give everything away. He keeps SOME OF IT FOR HIMSELF!

      I'm not sure that ladybug knows the rhyme. You'd think I was baiting her with a penny around my neck...

  2. That Lady bug loves you, wanted to put sweet little kisses on your cheek. or have babies in your ear canal (*~*)

    1. NO NO NO! I woke up with my right ear hurting! I'm in the process of blaming Hick, who has another cold, for spraying his breather germs across my head all night. Can't be ladybug babies.

  3. How about a photo of the OPC so we can see how comfy it is?

    1. I'll work on one. Maybe for Saturday, to throw in as a bone for the antipennyites.

  4. I think that you must have been watching one of the ladybugs favorite shows. I'm glad it wasn't a spider, it would have been something for Hick to come in and find your ratty baby blue sweatshirt ripped off and on the floor next to the overturned OPC...

    1. Let the record show that I wear another shirt under my ratty old baby blue sweatshirt, so if Hick happened upon the scene, he would be first of all concerned with the overturned OPC, which cost a pretty penny, and then with scooping up 'Ol Blue to throw on his burn pile.

  5. Replies
    1. This one has been gentle SO FAR. It came back the next night, too. Made two orbits around the lamp, and landed on my shoulder. Didn't stay long.
