Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Hick Has a Problem with His Hole

Hick has been working on the Double Hovel, our flip house, on mornings when he's not at his SUS2 (Storage Unit Store 2) or driving to a doctor appointment. It has been SO HOT this past week, but it didn't seem to bother Hick. He and Old Buddy have been putting up drywall. If I can get some pictures from The Pony, who took a tour with Hick on Sunday evening, I will post them.

Before the drywall, Hick had finished the plumbing, and put in a toilet in one of the bathrooms. It was not yet usable, because it had to be tied into the city sewer line. For that, Hick was waiting on a buddy of his with a backhoe to dig out that area so he could get to it. That got done at the end of last week. Then Hick was busy with his SUS2 on the weekend.

Monday morning, Hick was hoping to spend time digging around in his hole, finishing the plumbing. Welp! After days and days of baking heat, we had a downpour and hail at 2:00 a.m. Flash flood warnings. Hick was quite disappointed to arrive at the Double Hovel and find his hole overflowing.

"I was looking forward to using my toilet! But no way could I get in my hole and connect the pipes. Maybe it will dry out by tomorrow. I had to drive down to Casey's for their bathroom!"

Poor Hick. He doesn't ask for much. Just an open hole so he can poop.


  1. I hope his hole dries up! That sound a little obscene ....

    1. Heh, heh! I suppose it depends on whether you're saying that with malice, or with good will.

  2. Talk about digging yourself into a hole! Take it easy in this heat! It was 110 this past week, and it sucks your energy.

    1. Yes. I worry most about The Pony delivering mail, because he HAS to do it. Then about Hick, because he doesn't know when to come in out of the heat.

  3. Bad timing on the part of Mother Nature this time. I hope he gets the connection done soon.

    1. It's going to be next week before Hick's hole is ready for pooping. He has a back appointment, and then taking The Pony to get his wisdom teeth pulled, and then the weekend at the SUS2. It rained again this morning and tonight. So Hick's hole is probably overflowing.
