Sunday, July 9, 2023

30 Karens Agree: Hick is NOT Their Pet

Hick may have the Senior Center lunch ladies eating out of his hand, but his charm on the streets has waned. Seems like only yesterday people were falling all over themselves to laud Hick's talents and provide him with free and reduced goods. Oh, how that worm has turned...

When I got home from town on Friday afternoon, I was bemoaning the stupidity of local drivers. 

"At the stoplight going into town, they SEE that traffic is backed up, yet they continue anyway through the green light, rather than holding up until there is room. Four cars blocked the whole intersection, and when other lanes got their green light, nobody could move!"

Hick snorted the minute I mentioned stupid drivers. He at least held his tongue until I finished my boring story. He seemed kind of excited to enter the conversation. True, he was standing at the kitchen sink without his phone in his hand, but I definitely had the feeling he was paying attention.

"I come out of the Senior Center and found a note on my truck! Some crazy lady left it there. I know it was a woman from the writing! She must have stood there and took a whole lot of time to leave me an insulting note complaining about how I parked."

"Well... I sometimes tell you that you're on the line, and you say you're not."

"I was in front of the old phone company building. There was a white truck parked on my left when I pulled in. It was off. I could barely get my door open and get out. So I might have been on the other line a little bit. But there was nothing on the other side of me when I parked."

"So she parked there, KNOWING that there was less room because you were over? It's not like you blocked somebody already there, so they couldn't get their door open?"

"Yeah. I was the one who could barely get my door open, because of that white truck. Nobody was parked on the other side of me."

"Did that note hurt your tender self-esteem?"

"Nah. I didn't think nothin' of it."

"Now I want to see the note!"

"It's laying in the truck. I'll bring it in after the auction."

"Wow! That's harsh! She seems a bit unhinged."

"Yeah. I can't believe she took the time to write it."

"Is there even anything in that building now?"

"Nah. She would have probably been going to the restaurant across the street."

I'm betting that she jaywalked! That area is the middle of the block.

I may be overly critical of close-parkers, but I would NEVER leave a note like that on somebody's vehicle. I just come home and passively-aggressively blog them to shreds!

In case you never watched The Kids in the Hall comedy show, that title is a reference to their "Thirty Helens Agree" sketch [34 seconds], where thirty women named Helen standing in a park, giving an opinion on a topic. I can imagine this loony note-writer and 29 other "Karens" critiquing Hick's life skills.


  1. Gees Louise, look at all the exclamation marks. She must have been VERY hungry and was angry that she had to take longer than usual to park her car:)

    1. I'm guessing that she is not the pet of the people who server her food! (That exclamation mark was a sweet nod to her histrionics.)

  2. I wonder if her nice paper is indicative of someone who has a habit of looking for "reasons" to scathe others with her witty writing? I may rant on about some things, but I wouldn't leave a note. Just another example of what happens when someone doesn't know the whole story. Sorry Hick, but the world is full of "Karens" and they all have something to say. Looks as though he just got in the line of fire, this time. Ranee (MN)

    1. The group noted on the bottom of the nice paper would probably not wish to be associated with such lunacy...

      I will be the first to declare that sometimes Hick does not situate a vehicle within the lines to my satisfaction. But this time, it seems like he actually tried to park right, and was thwarted by the white truck that was already there, since even Hick had trouble getting out his own door. Even he would not deliberately park too close on HIS side.

  3. I watched the tiny video and then spent a few happy minutes watching Celtic Thunder and had to DRAG myself back here.
    I would never write a note like that either.

    1. Heh, heh! I fear that the consensus of my readers might be that they have to DRAG themselves here!

  4. Being the odd man out has never particularly bothered me. I do not shy from confrontation and prefer to do it in person. That said, I might be guilty of a note or two. Just yesterday we pulled into a restaurant parking lot that boasts quite a few handicapped spots. You might have noticed that they are a little bigger and even a lot bigger that other spaces. We could easily have parked in the row of spaces with our big gas guzzling truck if not for the economy sized sedan that decided to take up two spaces at an angle perventing others with handicapped placards from parking. I also noted no such placard or indication of a handicapped status on the vehicle. Alas, I had no fancy paper on which to convey my feelings. My wording wold have left out Jackass and Idiot as I would manage to get the point across. Much better would be finding the driver and telling him/her in person. Of course the infraction of merely parking on the line would not have evoked such strong feelings in me. Hick would get a pass from me, me being intelligent enough to know that others parking skills might have caused the infraction. My mother may have said many stupid things, but she is right about me being smart!!

    1. I agree that you're smart, and do not shy away from giving a stern talking-to!

      Country Mart has six HUGE handicap spaces out front, with wide striped walkways between them. I NEVER park in them there, just the one at the Gas Station Chicken Store, because it's level ground, and I don't have to traipse across the parking lot hindering traffic. I have noticed that over half of the vehicles that park in the handicap spaces at Country Mart DO NOT have any type of official designation for doing so.

      If Hick had been present, I don't think that lady would have said BOO to him! She seems like a sneaky type, with such bravado for name-calling. Or name-writing...
