Friday, July 14, 2023

Hick Does NOT Have a License to Teach

Hick has spent a couple days working in his Schoolhouse Shed over on Shackytown Boulevard. You know, because it's 98 degrees in the shade, and who wouldn't want to be inside a stuffy shed with no air conditioning? He sent me a picture last week when he was getting started on arranging the interior.

I remembered that when Hick was moving out of his old Storage Unit Store, he put some stuff in that shed to store it. So I didn't ask about the glass cases. You can see the back of his loyal assistant, Scarlett, at the bottom.

Yesterday, Hick sent me an updated picture of the schoolhouse. 

We'll start with the parts I like... Hick's whole reason for building this themed shed was the school desks. I like the greenboard, though something about it reminds me of the music room with a staff permanently on the board. I like the portrait of the Father of Our Country. The bust of Kennedy is a nice touch. And the map, whatever it is. Everyone knows Li'l Val could have desperately used exposure to geography to make her a better-rounded person! The shelves would have kept me perpetually daydreaming about what I'd like to play with.

Now for what I don't like: THAT GLASS CASE!

"What's with the case?"

"I'm going to display stuff in there."

What in the Not-Heaven??? Don't send your kids to Hick's Schoolhouse! They could sever an artery during horseplay!

I like where Hick is going with this little shack, but let's face it: Hick is no Miss Beadle.


  1. I laughed when I saw George Washington up there on the top of the wall. Looks pretty neat and he has the place of honor in the room as your eyes are drawn to his portrait. I like the green chalkboard too. I wish I had been more interested in geography back in the day but it bored me to tears. Now, I'd be better... much much better? Maybe not.

    1. My high school geography teacher was a football coach. We didn't have books. We sometimes used pamphlets to write reports. Only 7 girls in the class, which consisted mainly of Coach and the boys with their desks in a semi-circle, talking about football. So it's no surprise that only in the past few years I learned that ENGLAND IS AN ISLAND! The Pony enlightened me.

    2. Actually it's the United Kingdom (UK) which is the island and England is one of the countries in it. The others being Scotland and Wales. Ireland is a whole separate island off the west coast. I was never much good at geography either, I figured I was never going to travel so why bother.

    3. Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Are you trying to make my head explode??? Baby steps! I'm just getting used to the realization that England is not on the coast, between France and Germany...

  2. It looks great! Can't wait to see the finished project. Some lemon verbena would help with the Miss Beadle similarity.

    1. Hick needs to find some of those little white posters with the cursive letters on them, and line them along the top of the greenboard. Though these days, people younger than The Pony would think it was a secret code! I think The Pony was in 3rd grade when the teaching of cursive writing was abandoned. That travesty would make Miss Beadle sweat through the scent of her lemon verbena!

  3. I am not a fan of the display case, either. It's out of place in a shed devoted to schooling them yunguns!

    1. I think Hick wants a place to keep his precious glass case, so is justifying it in the schoolhouse.

  4. I agree the glass case is out of place and needs to go to a different shed, make one with a Bakehouse theme and he could fill it with fake cakes and pies.

    1. That could be a cold-weather project. Mmm... fake cakes and pies!
