Sunday, November 11, 2018

Terror at 1.5 Feet!

Saturday, I held my 44 oz cup against the lever for the Diet Coke spigot at the Gas Station Chicken Store, and heard "Pfft! Pfft-pftt! PFFT!" Well. This ol' Val wasn't born yesterday! I know that the soda fountain makes that noise as it runs out of soda. Happened to me two weeks ago, when I got about 1/3 cup of Diet Coke, and then white foamy liquid. The Stern Old Lady clerk went to fix it, though, and tested it with a smaller cup, until it was right.

This time, a line of 5 people awaited the nice but new-and-slow clerk to ring up their gas purchases. I knew that I was not going to get special treatment from him. My heart pounding, instinct took over. I pulled my cup away, took one step to the right, and finished my last 30 oz at the Diet Pepsi spigot on the lesser soda fountain. I don't normally enjoy Diet Pepsi, but it was palatable, and better than going without, or making an extra stop.

Even better, the Man Owner came out of nowhere (nowhere most likely being the back room), and opened the second register, right when I was next in line. Because he's always so congenial, I shared the information that I had sucked his spigot dry. Or at least relieved it of all Diet Coke. And Man Owner said, "I'm not going to charge you for the soda."


I thanked him, but insisted on paying. "I already have my correct change ready! It's no big deal. You don't have to do that."

"Well...I'll catch you next time."

He's a class act, that Man Owner. As I type this, I am enjoying my 44 oz Diet Coke-Pepsi mixed with sugar free cherry limeade powder. It couldn't be any sweeter if it was free. It's the thought that counts.


  1. It's like finding a fist full of pennies.

  2. How much is an all Diet Coke for 44 oz.?

    1. That would be $1.69 (including tax) at the Gas Station Chicken Store, and $0.94 for a lesser Diet Coke at Orb K.

  3. You never know Val, the diet Coke/Pepsi sugar free cherry limeade mix may become your new favorite, at least for this time anyways!

    1. The next day, I got my 44 oz Diet Coke at Orb K. Even after adding my sugar free cherry limeade mix, it seemed to be lacking something. Maybe I've grown accustomed to the Diet Pepsi portion!

    2. It could have something to do with the colouring. Coke is made with red food colouring and Pepsi is made with caramel which is naturally sweeter. I discovered this forty years ago when I noticed my younger daughter bouncing off the walls after drinking Coke, but was okay after drinking Pepsi.

    3. Who knew? Not this ol' Val! I can definitely tell the difference in Coke and Pepsi taste, but I didn't think about the coloring. As a kid, we always had Pepsi, poured out of those 16 oz twisty-glass bottles. But now I'm a Coke gal.

  4. Good service does make for return customers. Enjoy your next free soda!

    1. NEXT TIME came and went today, without a free 44 oz Diet Coke! They were still out. I guess Man Owner doesn't order more than one thingy of it per week.

      He told me, as I cashed in a scratcher, "It should come in tomorrow! As you can see, I'm not the "good" help!"

  5. Oh, we are so different! I would have said thank you very much and walked out with a free drink.

    1. I DID accept a free $2 scratcher one time, from Lady Owner. She wanted me to try a new one, and they just came out. I'm pretty sure she had to pay for it. Lottery regulations are pretty strict. You can't just go tossing them out all willy-nilly.

  6. we were at Jack in the Box once and happened to read a pamphlet intended for employees only. PUSH THE SODA, It costs us 15 cents and we sell it for a dollar or more.
    That's when I knew there was profit to be made in your sweet elixir.

    1. I know there's a huge mark-up. I don't mind to pay for my daily 44 oz Diet Coke. I get two cubes of ice, and the rest (at least 43 oz) of soda! I could have a worse vice, like cigarettes.

      I WILL NOT, however, pay $2.45 for a soda in the casino burger joint, when you can carry them in for free! I could get a BEER for $2.50, if I was so inclined!
