Saturday, November 24, 2018

A Coin DesCENTded From Above

This week was off to a good start on SUNDAY, November 18th. Even though I was still not recovered from my Hickovirus, and in fact seeming WORSE, due to a spate of conjunctivitis...I could still see clearly enough to spot a PENNY on the floor of The Gas Station Chicken Store!

I was able to capture this FACE-UP Lincoln while the clerk busied himself with another customer's credit card payment. It was a 1985, a year which doesn't ring any significant bells with me. important coincidence sailed right over my head until Monday, when I realized that this penny appeared on the date of my dad's birthday! How could I be so blind?

I suppose Even Steven figured I was not worthy of another penny this week, after that failure to note the special gift on its special day! Because I did not find another.

I DID find a coin, though. On WEDNESDAY, November 21st, in Norman, Oklahoma. How nice of a fellow patron of the Riverwind Casino to bestow me with this nickel that was rightfully meant for me! Even Steven even works his magic across state lines!

It was a 2011 nickel, FACE UP, found in the free beverage room at Riverwind Casino. This picture was taken at my kitchen counter, after I brought this nickel meant for me home in a special compartment of my gambling purse, so as not to mix it up with other nickels from my cash-out tickets. I wish I could have captured the picture in its natural habitat, but I already had a cup of water in my hand, and I can't take a one-handed picture.

Poor ol' Thomas Jefferson! This is the nickel which does him no favors. He looks like he strained a bit too hard while sitting on a boot taking a crap! His eyes are all bugged out. I did, however, do him a favor, by taking the above picture. The second effort. Because originally, he looked like THIS:

That came out a little too dark and demonic for Val! What a difference a flash makes, huh? The dark picture is with my phone flash ON! Still laying in the same place on the kitchen counter was ol' Thom.

For 2018: This was Penny # 116.
For 2018: Dimes still at   # 15.
For 2018: This was Nickel  # 5.
For 2018: Quarter still at #1.

Since 2017 (the beginning), this was Penny # 194.
Since 2017 (the beginning), this is still Dime # 21.
Since 2017 (the beginning), this was Nickel # 5.
Since 2017 (the beginning), this is still Quarter #1.


  1. That nickle must have been designed by the guy who did the Lucy sculpture.

    1. I think this 5-cent Jefferson actually looks like that Lucy sculpture!

  2. Today I bent and picked up a penny and a nickle at Target and thought of you. Failed to note any details before I placed them in the coins collector by the front door.

    You have inspired me.

    1. "MY" coins collector is my pocket. Finders keepers I say.

    2. I might become a Johnny Appleseed by inspiring others! I'll be VALly Coinypurse!

  3. We don't have different heads on our coinage. EVERYTHING has Queen Elizabeth on it. Our notes have different people, but I couldn't name a single one even if you held a million dollars out on offer.

    1. I hope the likeness of the Queen is more flattering than this one of Jefferson!

    2. They've changed her a couple of times to reflect her advancing age, but she looks okay.

  4. Even if Jefferson looked drunk, a nickel is a nickel!!

    1. It's all about the Jeffersons! I will leave no Thom untaken!

  5. I still have that half penny, I should send it to you! I always think of you when I see coins on the ground!!

    1. There could be worse things that trigger people to think of me! You don't have to send the half penny. If Hick and I ever drive up to visit Genius in KC, we could look you up. I'm assuming you're between here and there!

    2. I am about 2and a half hours from Kansas City at exit 170, if they have the bridge done, that is!

    3. I'll try to get ahold of you (not in a creepy or pervy way) if we decide to make that trip!
