Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Picker Hick's Picker Pics

FINALLY, Hick gave me some pictures from his mini-vacation to the Picker's Store.

This is the original store, before they were famous on TV, I suppose.

This is their current main store, which is situated in front of that original building. Hick said he couldn't believe this was it, and looked all around for something bigger.

This old car sits out front. Hick thinks it's a Mercury.

I thought this was an old bicycle that somebody souped-up with a motor, but Hick says it's the Indian motorcycle that he saw the Pickers dickering for on the show. Not to be confused with another Indian motorcycle that they dug up somewhere on the east coast.

Hick said the Pickers weren't in the store, that it was being run by a couple of college-looking girls. And that they didn't really have anything he wanted to buy. That the T-shirts and caps were too expensive for his tastes. C'mon. I can't believe he went all that way, and didn't even get a CAP! He has a bazillion caps, and this could have been a good memento. I forget the price, but it seems like it was $10-$12. Hardly a fortune for a Storage Unit Baron.

You might notice that Hick is doesn't really care about getting random people in his photographs. And at least they are better than his usual photography of a tiny subject dead center, surrounded by a lot of scenery.


  1. I love that show, I'd pay at least $15 for a cap, Hick could a made $3 on me.

    1. Yeah, he went all that way, and didn't even buy a hat! That's ridiculous! When is he ever going to be there again? Probably never.

      Yet he wears caps from assorted contractors who did work for his company. He doesn't owe them free advertising, and I don't think they're mementos. He has a huge stack of them, many unworn. I don't think one more cap, from a place he talks about a lot, is too much. It's not like it cost hundreds of dollars.

  2. It looks like the kind of place I'd be happy to browse around in.

    1. Hick liked the browsing, but I think he was disappointed because it seemed too clean and commercial. He likes out-of-the-way, mom and pop junk stores. Where you get your hands dirty.

      You probably enjoy seeing unusual items, while Hick had the intention of buying to resell at a profit.
