Friday, May 26, 2023

The Scarlett Jetter

Scarlett was back on her lead for a week. Hick was working on his latest shed over on Shackytown Boulevard. I'm not sure of its theme. He and Old Buddy were within speaking distance of Scarlett, so she had some entertainment for the weekdays. On Friday afternoon, Hick let Scarlett loose so he could sit on the porch with her for a while. 

I heard them romping. One of them, anyway. Before my shower and town trip, I went out on the front porch. Hick sat alone in a chair next to the pew.

"Where's Scarlett?"

"I don't know. She went over by the garage. Or maybe she went under the fence to Big Jack's house."

"SCARLETT! SCARLETT! Come on, doggie!"

Within a minute, Scarlett came from the garage area and up on the porch. Wagging her rumpus with her stub tail. I patted her and sweet-talked her for a minute. Then she forsook me for the hand that feeds her. Practically crawled up into Hick's lap. He gave her a couple pats and told her to get down. She was sitting next to him when I went in to shower. Little Jack was pacing around.

While in the shower, I heard dogs barking, and the Gator. I figured maybe Hick was taking the dogs down to the creek for a swim. Or just letting them run. He was back in the house when I put my shoes on for town.

"Scarlett was running around in the front yard. Then she started up the driveway. I hollered at her to stop, but she kept going."

Yep. Our little escape artist jetted right across the gravel road and down the neighbor's driveway. The doggie parents of the Killer Poodle and Crazy Rottweiler who used to chase Juno up onto our own porch, gnashing at her hindquarters.

"I started up the Gator and went to get her. She was standing on the porch with our neighbor. When I got there she tried to run off, but Neighbor Lady grabbed her and held her. Said her dog was about to tussle with Scarlett. I got her and brought her back to put her on her lead. I guess we'll have to keep her tied up a little longer."

Well. At least Scarlett wasn't loose to run under the garage door four times, making it open every time I tried to close it. It makes me sad to see her tied up at the side of the house, but we can't let her run to different houses all willy-nilly. Just like Jack was trained, with the aid of Mr. Shocky, not to chase the neighbor's horses... Scarlett will learn not to run down strange driveways. No good end can come of that, and Hick can't babysit her indefinitely.

This is a continuing story...


  1. I'd guess she is also getting used to running after being an indoor dog with her previous owner. She just needs to learn the boundaries.

    1. It would help if she could join up with Jack and Copper Jack as they make their rounds. Copper Jack stays away from Scarlett, and little Jack will sniff and follow her, but doesn't seem to accept that she is here forever. I think it's because Scarlett is on the lead, like when we kept Backcreek Neighbor Bev's dog for a couple weeks. They think Scarlett is a visitor, and are not invested in accepting her into their pack.

  2. As you know, I am fond of fences. I have had dogs that were obedient suddenly decide to take off and realize they are far enough away from me to not get caught. My current location is not conducive to me chasing them, then there is my knee .... We do allow Eddie to follow us to the truck or RV without a leash, NEVER Bo or Toni Louise! I am afraid they both resent Eddie's freedom.

    1. Our location is not conducive to dog fencing. It would cost as much as it cost to construct our hillbilly mansion back in 1997!

      We've never had a dog run off before. They've always made their daily rounds and returned. Except for our very first pound pup, Grizzly the half beagle/half chocolate lab, they've always had an older dog to show them the ropes. Hopefully, Jack and Copper Jack will let Scarlett join them, and she'll get the hang of it. Learn that she can explore, but come home to hang out on the porch.
