Tuesday, May 23, 2023

The FREE and REDUCED Magnet Has Done It Again

Hick planned to put insulation in Pony House this week. He sent The Pony a text asking if he was okay with it, considering that The Pony is paying for any home improvements now. The Pony said it was fine, that he has plenty of money. His definition of plenty is different from ours. It's not THAT long ago that The Pony was a college student. Hick said he didn't mention the specific cost. So typical...

After finding out from Hick that he estimated it would cost somewhere around $2000 for such a job, considering the price of blown-in insulation, and labor, I sent The Pony a text to inform him. Of course he had not thought it would be that much. More like $1000, maybe $1500. He still said he had the money, but it would be easier if we paid it and he reimbursed us. We're fine with that.

Anyhoo... Hick had Old Buddy up in the attic, taping up electric wires that they were worried about a squirrel possibly chewing. Old Buddy found a dead squirrel in a trap. According to Hick, it had been there awhile. Not stinky, but dried-out, and you could still tell what it was. 

While working on prepping the attic for the blown-in insulation that's $16.99 a bag, Hick got a call from the guy who used to run the flea market. The flea market storage units that are being sold. He has to move a bunch of insulation that he had stored there, and wondered if Hick might want to buy it. For $10.00 a bag! Of course Hick did! He got all 120 bags! Not sure where Hick is going to store them! He might have to build a new themed shed! 

Anyhoo... Pony House will take 50-60 bags of the insulation. The Double Hovel flip house will take the rest. So Hick saved $838.80 (plus tax) on this insulation deal. With $419.40 being Pony savings. The Pony will probably be able to pay and be done with it.

The Veteran volunteered to help, and went to Menards for something, and said they have the insulation on sale for $11.50 a bag. Hick declined, reminding him that he already made a deal, which was still cheaper than that.

Oh, and while this was going on, Hick got another call, from Back-Creek Neighbor Bev, that she was getting rid of some shelving, and he could have it if he drove out to pick it up. Which Hick did. Said it was about $200 worth of shelving. Not sure what he plans to use it for.

Meanwhile, I was just sitting home, not-winning $1000.


  1. Your guy is a wheeler dealer and always gets a good deal!
    And YOU, my goodness lady luck is with you. Congrats on your wins.

    1. Hick knows the value of things. The Universe seems to throw a lot of bargains his way. Karma for being a Do-Gooder for random people, I suppose.

      I am reveling in last week's good fortune, though easing into the losing streak that was expected.

  2. Hi Val, It sounds like Hick and the Pony got the big wins this week. It's nice to spread the winnings around isn't it?

    1. So far this week, Hick and The Pony are way ahead of me. I am always happy for the wins of others, unless they win on a ticket that I play, bought at my regular scratcher stores! Then my happiness for them is tempered with jealousy!

  3. I love a bargain!! Hick could shop for me all day long!

    1. You would make a good business pair! Hick getting the free and reduced merch, and you using every scrap. AND, I forgot another major freebie this week, so I'll need to post about it, as it figures into an upcoming tale.

  4. Great deal on the insulation, even though I'm not a fan of the blown in stuff. I do love shelving though.

    1. The blown stuff takes a lot less labor, but you gotta have safety glasses and a good respirator mask to work with it. Hick never met a shelf he didn't like!
