Friday, May 5, 2023

A Surprising Find

While I was having my groceries rung up in Country Mart on Wednesday, an old lady came into the store, pushing a cart with bagged items. She continued up the unmanned register behind my checker, into the store.

My Checker: "Oh, is something wrong?"

Old Lady: "I lost $15. It was in my change purse."

The Other Checker behind me, over at the short conveyor, said: "She was just in here, and we couldn't find it." She did not say it pleasantly, but with kind of an edge. She's usually very friendly. Not having been there at the time, I can only surmise that maybe Old Lady was insistent and time-consuming. Surely Other Checker wasn't suggesting that Old Lady was a scammer...

We all looked down at the floor, around our feet and the register, from me to the other two people behind me in line. Nothing there. By this time, Old Lady had circled back through the front of the store, and was going by Other Checker's line. That's when the Service Desk Lady spoke up.

Service Desk Lady: "You said you lost a change purse?"

Old Lady: "Yes. I can't find it. I know I had it when I got here. It was in my purse, and now it's gone."

Service Desk Lady: "Did it look like THIS?" She held up a change purse.

Old Lady: "Yes! That's it! Oh, bless you."

Service Desk Lady: "A woman found it on the parking lot, and brought it in."

I'm guessing that the $15 was still inside, because who steals the contents, and then goes to the trouble to turn in a change purse?

That was the excitement for Wednesday: I found out there's an honest person in Backroads.


  1. Thank goodness for the honest person who turned in the coin purse. I was thinking maybe the older lady had accidentally left it at home:) Yay!

    1. She never would have known if she hadn't come back in to look again, spurring the discussion which was overheard by the Service Desk Lady. I guess it hadn't been missing long enough for Old Lady to consider asking the service desk about it.

  2. Replies
    1. Hopefully, honesty can avoid being run over by all the bad drivers! Honesty must have run a gauntlet to make it across the parking lot and into the store unscathed.

  3. I handed in a gold credit card I found on the floor by the checkout when I was shopping one day last year. Made me feel good all day because I know how I would have felt if the loss was mine.

    1. As Chief of the Lost and Found Police, I commend you!
