Saturday, May 18, 2024

After All That!

Well. So much for Val suppressing her gorge reflex to inspect Hick's TOE upon his request. After all that, Hick went and visited his pedicurist on Friday! 

"She squeezed my toe, and some stuff shot out of it!"

"How did THAT happen? I didn't see anything wrong with that toe. It was the same puffiness as all your other toes. And no redder than them. Nothing seemed different from your other toes."

"It was around the toenail. That toe never had been right, ever since I dropped a grinding wheel dresser on it at work. It weighed 72 pounds. That toenail has never fit right since then."

"I don't think you've had an infection in your toe for over six years. The toe next to it must have poked it with the toenail, and your foot bacteria got in and made an infection. But normally that would look all red and swollen, and not just start to hurt overnight."

"I don't know. But she squeezed it and stuff came out."

"OOH! Imagine having a job like that!"

"Well. She was wearing gloves."

"Still, ICK! Did she do anything to it?"

"She put some kind of medicine on it. It felt better after she squeezed the stuff out."

"Maybe you should ask your doctor--I mean nurse practitioner--about it next time you go."

"Yeah. I will."

Don't even get me started on trying to ask Hick to explain what a grinding wheel dresser is! It took 30 minutes of shouting the same thing over and over. About the grinding wheel dresser being 6 inches across, and 4 inches long. 

Apparently, Hick does not understand the concepts of DIAMETER and CIRCUMFERENCE. Which I realized when he told me a soda bottle is 2 inches around. KEPT telling me that, holding up his 20 oz bottle of Diet Mountain Dew, insisting that it was 2 inches from HERE to HERE, clearing referencing the diameter. Then telling me that I am too technical. That anybody in the world could understand what he was talking about, but not ME!

That's 30 minutes of my life that I will never get back. Not to mention the brain cells that tied a bandana to a stick, and hobo-ed it down the road.


  1. OMG!!! Tommy does the same thing, insisting long is what I call call a different term. And, he is an engineer. Yes, I am the odd one out in the whole wide world. I think he needs to make an appointment with a medical person right now.
    Also, when Tommy wants to indicate a horizontal measurement, he holds his thumb up to indicate width. I stay confused with his measuring of items.

    1. Heh, heh! I now join you in your Odd One Out club, making membership TWO. As much as I retch at the thought, I might take a look at Hick's toe tonight. If it looks infected, I'll have him see his regular NP on Tuesday (the only day she works!), who can give him a referral to a specialist, if needed.

  2. I can relate about the explanation of a tool you were not familiar with. I have experienced such conversations and simply tune him out. Squeezing pus out of sick body parts does not bother me. I feel a real sense of satisfaction when I am successful in providing relief. Good thing we are all different and can all excell at something. Did I just indicate that my success is squeezing pus?

    1. That must be your training as a nurse, reveling in success when you expel the demon pus and provide relief. As a teacher, I am more used to squeezing knowledge out of the empty vessels into which I pumped it.

  3. I can just see those hobo brain cells. Great imagery, Val.

    1. Those hobo brain cells were suffering PTSD from the "45-degree sewer pipe" discussion! They couldn't take any more of Hick's "explanations."

  4. It seems I was wrong about the different shoes, but at least he is getting it treated now so it should get better (I typed beeter ha ha).

    1. I also thought it was the shoes. But neither of us had any idea that Hick has a toenail that doesn't fit right!
