Thursday, May 9, 2024

Hick's Latest Senior "Price"

Hick was back at beating the pants off the elderlies Wednesday, at Senior Center bingo. He didn't bother to send me a picture of his lunch! I always enjoy seeing what they serve. Tuesday, he said they had some salad and some chicken pieces and some corn and "just basically a mix of odd stuff." I bet he ate it all, though! When I looked at the monthly menu he brings home, it said Tuesday's meal was supposed to be: 

Southwest Salad
Chicken, roasted corn & bk beans
Cucumber, tomatoes, onions
OR Fruit

That's exactly how it was listed. Same spacing. Seems like something was missing, since I don't think crackers would be considered a dessert choice rather than fruit.

Anyhoo... Wednesday's menu looked better:

Chicken Parm w/noodles
Italian Blend
Chocolate Cake OR Fruit

But now, what you came here looking for! The reveal of Hick's latest "price" for winning bingo. Oh. Wait. You probably already saw it in the thumbnail. So not a great reveal. But here it is, in all its glory:

That's the same cereal Hick has won three times. He ate a box in SilverRedO. He gave me a box, which I ate in place of my daily Fake Honey Nut Cheerios with a banana. This cereal was okay by itself, but not great with a banana. It tasted like extra-sugary Cocoa Puffs. The third box, we gave to The Pony. Who agreed with my flavor profile, and also ate it straight out of the box.

The "tumblers" look like plain old disposable plastic cups to me. Perhaps not as strong as a red SOLO cup. And that third thing mystifies me. I can't read the label. Maybe "EXXTRA BANNER?" I'll ask Hick what it is... Heh, heh! In typical Hick fashion, he said, "It's a wall banner. To hang on a door." I can't make this up! Hick thinks his banner says "Happy 4th."

Anyhoo... the REAL excitement comes tomorrow, when I show you that Hick won another actual "price" at bar bingo on Tuesday night!


  1. I thought at first that was a box of Swiss rolls until I saw the word "cereal". That's when I lost my appetite for it. But eating it straight out of the box? Animals! 😉

    1. We are not a milk family. Even the boys did not want to drink it as young'uns. They WOULD put it on their cereal. The Pony uses it with other cereal, like the Fruity Pebbles Hick won, but not this one. I LOVE Little Debbie Swiss Rolls. This cereal is just OK.

  2. Bingo is a hoot to play with other retired individuals. Retired is a kind way of saying "old". I sat next to Lewis, who could shout "Bingo" with gusto. It is a fun social event here in our community. What will he win next?

    1. The people at bar bingo are also old, but I guess they are more active and alert than the crew at the Senior Center, some of whom live upstairs from the lunch/bingo room.

      I'm sure Hick will continue to win "re-gifted" prizes at Senior Center bingo. Probably expired foods, and items people didn't want, and donated.

  3. Seems his winning streak is back :)

    1. Yes. Or maybe he's just getting there in time to play bingo more often. It starts before lunch.

  4. That menu looks better than the senior center I tried. They had what looked like thawed stuff that might be in a cheap tv dinner--mashed potatoes, slice of pressed meat in nasty gravy, applesauce cup and slice of bread. And, I have to pay for that?I was supposed to be there at 8 am to be a legitimate senior and get to be eligible for lunch. No thank you.

    1. I would not pay for that either. On the bright side, you have found a way to time-travel backwards! You get younger after 8:00 a.m.! No longer a senior!

  5. I am thinking that this flavor of cereal did not sell well and was donated to get rid of it. I stick to the original old stuff like shredded wheat and cheerios, corn flakes and rice krispies. But I am not a fan of cindiments and new artificial flavors. I can just see the banner now, hanging proedlyon your front door, while you sip your drink in the plastic cup and eat cereal from the box!
