Thursday, May 16, 2024

Squirrel Tale

Wednesday, The Pony asked Hick if he had checked in his attic yet for the squirrel. Even though I had reminded Hick on Monday morning to go by there and take a look, he had not. THEN Hick had the audacity to say that he might not even do it on Thursday! Said because it "might" rain. And the only way to look in is to put a ladder up against the house and get on the roof. Hick further advised The Pony to put some tape over the hole the squirrel had gnawed in his closet ceiling.

"WHAT? Are you saying that a squirrel can't chew through tape?"

"Well. It will keep him from poking his head in there to look around. Or going through to see what's in there. Yes. A squirrel could chew through tape. But if he pokes his nose onto the sticky side of duct tape, he might reconsider."

"Pony? Do you even have a ladder?"

"Don't need no ladder. Just a chair to stand on."

"Yeah, Mom. If I could get into the attic through my house, from a chair, I would go up and look for that squirrel myself! But I don't have a ladder to get to the attic from outside."

The thing is, The Pony last heard that squirrel around Friday. Nothing since then. And there's been a smell in his master bathroom.

"I deep-cleaned my bathroom on Sunday. So I know the smell isn't from something in there. It has to be the squirrel in the attic. Or maybe it's even under the house. I saw a cat on my back porch when I came home Tuesday evening. I think he was just trying to stay out of the rain. But I've seen him go under my house before. So I wouldn't be surprised if he caught something and drug it under there."

Hick is ecstatic that maybe the squirrel ate the poison he (actually Old Buddy) put out. But not excited enough to check out the smell of decay. It's not like Hick would be going into the attic himself. He pays Old Buddy to do that work for him. They'll already be in town, working on the Beauty Shop half of the Double Hovel flip house(s).


  1. I hate the stink of decaying dead things in the roof cavity. I've only had to live through that once when we threw up some rat poison and the rats died in their nest which must have been directly over my bed, it lasted for almost a month. In a previous home.

    1. Hick has still not looked in The Pony's attic. The Pony doesn't mention the smell now. So maybe the decay is done. Or the cat dragged something dead out from under the house.

      Hick has his store to run this weekend, and plans to clean out the QuickFlip on Monday and Tuesday, since we sign the papers on Wednesday to sell it. Maybe I can persuade Hick and Old Buddy to run by The Pony's house and check the attic on one of their trips to the landfill.

  2. Replies
    1. At least that means the squirrel is no longer scampering around in the attic!
