Thursday, February 21, 2019

Val's Input Does Not Garner the Desired Output

In a case of Val's life tossing her coincidences at pertinent times, an email arrived from the casino yesterday when I was typing up that line-BUTTer story. I had responded to an survey about my recent casino experience, thinking, perhaps, that there might be a $5 comp in it for my troubles! Turns out there was not. I guess that might be considered a violation of gaming protocol in whatever state that casino is headquartered in.

Anyhoo...the survey had questions where you ranked from 1-10. It also asked for details to explain the ranking. I skipped most of that part, but on the section about whether anything happened that was especially pleasant or unpleasant, I mentioned the line-BUTTers. Let the record show that I emphasized how the actions of the line-BUTTers were not the fault of casino management, and that we had not even brought it to anyone's attention for possible remediation. But that since it had happened TWICE in one visit, that perhaps security could show more of a presence when lines are long. That might make patrons feel more comfortable to suggest to a line-BUTTer that the end of the line is actually WAY BACK THERE, and not in front of him/her.

When the survey asked if anything could have made my visit more pleasant, I elaborated that a BUFFET would get me in the doors more often, and that our trips there had dropped off since the buffet closed.

Well! I can't believe I got a response from the Player Development Manager within 24 hours. A fairly lengthy letter concerning my survey, assuring me that my line-BUTTer suggestion had been passed on to Security Management. Also, that the decision to close the Farmer's Pick Buffet was to give guests what they requested: quality over quantity.


That buffet stuff means they were losing money on people eating a lot. The buffet was always busy. Didn't look to me like guests were staying away because of the QUALITY of the food. They liked it well enough to strap on the old feedbag and belly up to the two hot counters and circular dessert counter, causing a line to get in. In fact, that time we were surprised to find the buffet closed, all the other surprisees we talked to while waiting at the grill to order food also expressed their disappointment at the closure.

I seriously doubt that people who submitted surveys previous to the closing were taking time to complain about the quality of the buffet food. It's not like we casino buffet patrons have a discerning palate. We're old, we spend hours clogging our sinuses with second-hand smoke (or we're the first-hand smokers), and we know a bargain when we get one. I don't think anyone arrived in a limo, after asking for some Grey Poupon at a stoplight. It's a buffet, by cracky! Not a 3-star Michelin restaurant.

Anyhoo... the response was great customer service, with an actual person's name to it, and a phone number and email address, making me feel like my opinion mattered.

Still no comp for my time, though...


  1. Well at least you received a response. I did not. But then our buffet is still serving up slop, and we old timers are happy. I heard from casino employees, the government shut down hurt the casino business so badly several had to lay off, cut hours and freebies.

    1. I've never tried the buffet slop at RC, going for the burger that may or may not be cooked the way I request it. My favorite gambling aunt went there a couple weeks ago, not for the buffet, and said her luck was as dismal as mine an Hick's. So we'll be heading south for our gambling fix. Not quite as often, since there isn't a buffet to entice us.

      I can't speak for the lack of business, since every time we've been it's booming, to the point of line-cutting! RC was crowded with annoying people, and I couldn't get on machines I wanted. That was a Saturday afternoon, though. The last half of January.

  2. Very nice to respond, a little free casino money that they get back anyway would have been an even nicer touch.

    1. I'm thinking there must be regulations against rewarding people for surveys.

  3. Those surveys where you rank something from 1 to 10 then have to explain your rating, but you skipped that Any similar survey I do here cannot be clicked to the next section WITHOUT the explanation of why I rated something at a particular number. for this reason I no longer do those annoying surveys which "they" claim will take about five minutes of my time but end up taking a half hour out of my day.

    1. Heh, heh, they DID say this would take five minutes! It took about ten, because I made my two comments. This one just let me click NEXT, even if I left the explanation box blank.

  4. You would think they would have offered something, just to get you back in the door! Good to know they actually read your comments and acted on them, or they said they did!

    1. I was pleasantly surprised, yet sorely disappointed AT THE SAME TIME!

  5. At least you made them aware that, if you held that very informed opinion, there many many others who didn't express themselves. Excellent!

    1. You know how good teachers are at expressing opinions and persuading people to believe stuff, without actually saying it in so many words.

      Or sometimes they DO use the words. Like my 2nd best old ex-teaching buddy Karen, who would start her brainwashing with, "Well, if you were smart, which I believe you are... you would blah blah blah." It pretty much worked every time.
