Thursday, November 23, 2017

What Genius is Thankful For, Regarding His Education

Just a short one today, on ACTUAL THANKSGIVING. I am starting early preparations for Thevictorian family Thanksgiving on Saturday. Those eggs aren't going to boil themselves, nor the 7 layers of the salad align themselves without help.

In an effort to redirect this form of questionable entertainment from the recent Hick and Pony I bring you Genius. He's starring in a propaganda film (yeah, he would really hate that insinuation) for his university. Okay. So maybe starring isn't quite accurate. But he has about 45 seconds of air time in the 4:28 minute video.

When he told me, I watched with my nose nearly touching the screen, eager to see him make his appearance. AWWWW! Genius has a regular haircut, kind of Leave-It-To-Beaver-ish, not the kind of shaved-sides, flap-on-top hipster coif I last saw him with. Plus, the beard is gone! And he's wearing a collared shirt! I think our Genius might just be able to make something of himself after all.

Yes. I'm bragging.

Here's the link, if you want to check it out. Genius makes his appearance at 2:10 and ends at 2:55.


  1. Genius probably wouldn't want to hear this, but he's adorable!!

    1. Aww...he would not want to hear it, but I agree! Of course, I kind of have to.

  2. Genius must be gearing up for his new position with Garmin?

    1. Yeah, he's kind of checked out with the college student attitude, and has his apartment rented, a moving plan in place, and is just marking time until finals.

      Let the record show that he is enlisting his Friend and Hick to help him move, so he can pocket his $2000 relocation allowance.

  3. Genius is a movie star now? look out Hollywood!
    Seven layers of salad? Pictures please. I could never bother myself with that much fuss. I get a bunch of green stuff, add tomatoes and dressing, toss it a few times and I'm done. Let's eat!

    1. Heh, heh. Genius cleans up well.

      I have a picture of the 7-layer salad, but it's not a great one. I'll try to get another one before we eat this year's salad! I am not making it until Saturday, because I ran out of time today.

  4. Genius is a charmer. he may roll right into Hollywood. Congratulations on his fame, and no doubt he will find his fortune. is that the same little boy I met at the books tore years ago? My how they grow up.

    1. Genius is definitely a people-person and a people-pleaser. He is NOT the boy you met at the bookstore, that being The Pony, who doesn't really care about people, according to the answers on his FAFSA personal inventory for college.

  5. Layered salad? Is that like lasagna only with lettuce and tomato with dressing?

    1. No. That must be NEW JERSEY layered salad. I'll put up a picture next post.
