Sunday, December 28, 2014

There Will Be a Short Delay in Val's Regular Entertainment Schedule While She Sits at the ER With Genius

No comedy today. Just got back from the ER with Genius, where we sat since 2:00. Of course there's a story in it. Even Steven taketh away time, then Even Steven giveth blog fodder.

Don't you worry about Genius. He is still kickin'.

More on Monday.


  1. Well, we demand a double-long post from you tomorrow. Or a triple long post from you on Wednesday.

    I would say I hope Genius is completely fine, but since I've joined The Pony's "I-Don't-Care-For-Anyone-Except-Myself" club, I will just sit here, waiting for your next post.

  2. Too much hospital and ER in your posts this year...please change this next year. Thank you.

  3. Hope he didn't break his crown or leg or any other bone,

  4. Troubling news. Hope everything is okay.

  5. Sioux,
    I'm sure everybody wants even more of Val's long-windedness. Shockingly enough, The Pony actually inquired as to the condition of Genius. Also shocking, The Pony was left home alone, after dark, after watching Ghost Adventures on Saturday night, with 13 steps with no handrail separating him from his phone upstairs and communications with his mystery woman...and no calamity occurred.

    Unlike that time he fell down the steps carrying a plate of corn dogs and ketchup, and we found him with a red pool spreading out from behind his head. Ketchup, thank goodness.

    Nothing would make me happier. Please send me a crate of unicorns, kittens, cotton candy, and rainbows.

    No bones. We're not sure what he did to his brain.

    Thanks. Okay for now. His symptoms are masked by pharmaceuticals. Which, I must say, do little to improve his disposition.
