Wednesday, June 12, 2024

The Deed is Done

Val is FREE! Free from arrest, conviction, and incarceration for her shoplifting of two six-packs of Diet Mountain Dew from 10Box! Tuesday, I went in to buy bananas and onions. But the onions released a mini-swarm of some kind of wide-winged gnat when I picked them up. So no go! It wasn't even the Vidalia onions that I had wanted, but a 3-pound bag of "sweet onions" that I would have settled for. Not when I saw something fly out of them!

Anyhoo... I picked up my bananas, and went to the right end of the store to get two 12-packs of Shasta Diet Cola, and one six-pack of Diet Mountain Dew. As well as some sturdy paper plates, because we are running out.

On my way across the front of the store, I saw the Older Lady with long gray hair. She speaks to me on occasion. She is also a frequenter of the lottery machines. I motioned to her when she caught my eye.

"I have a problem. I was here on Friday, and took items I did not pay for. I would like to pay for them now."

"I can do that. What was it?"

"I had three six-packs of Diet Mountain Dew, and was talking to the cashier, and did not tell her I had two more in the cart when she scanned my soda. I figure the EASIEST way to do that is to charge me for THREE of them now, while I'm buying ONE. I know it would probably never show up, but by doing this, it will even out the money and inventory in the long run."

"That's right. I probably wouldn't show up. I can help you."

"Should I go over to the service desk?"

"Yes. That will be fine."

She might have been on her break. She stopped to talk to a young cashier I have rarely seen. I went to the service desk and waited. When Older Lady arrived, she said she could ring up my whole order there. Which was only ONE six-pack of Diet Mountain Dew, two 12-packs of Shasta Diet Cola, six bananas, and a pack of paper plates.

"Thank you for being honest."

Thank YOU, Ma'am, The Universe, and Even Steven. I prefer to be judged on the content of my character, rather than the ampleness of my rumpus, the length of my lovely lady-mullet, or the stickiness of my fingers.


  1. Years ago, I accidentally took something from WM and was shaking when I went back to pay for it a day or so later. I just knew my picture up somewhere. I am glad you paid without incident.

    1. It was easier than I anticipated. The gal was walking by right when I went back up front with my "new" soda. And my idea that she could just charge me for three this time made it easy for her. No paperwork or explaining. My balance with the store was evened, and my conscience is clear.

  2. Awwww, an honest shopper. How rare in these troubled times. Bravo to you, Val (the valiant)!

    1. I was only doing the right thing. It seems to be a lost art these days!

  3. It is a shame that someone has to be thanked for doing the right thing!

  4. 43 years ago I accidentally stole a potato masher. I had it on the hood of the pram and when the baby made waking up noises I folded that hood back so he could see me better. Didn't discover the potato masher until I got home. I still have the masher and never did pay for it. The store was a good hour and a half walk from home and it was too late to go back that same day with the older kids getting home from school etc.

    1. I totally understand. I bet they never missed it.

  5. It is sometimes very hard to give back the money the store was shorted. They tend to think you are complaining and want to give money to you. It would always be in the back of my mind, so easier to own it and pay up.

    1. I am relieved to have that monkey off my back!
