Monday, June 3, 2024

Hopefully, the End is Near

Poor Pony! Still dealing with the mistake of Hick in not getting over to his house to check out the DEAD smell in the attic, after leaving poison for the scampering squirrel in the attic. Not responding for 13 DAYS! There is no excuse for that! The Pony was depending on Hick.

I got a text from The Pony on Sunday, June 2.

"Like, a dozen live flies in my bathroom right now so I guess not all of the maggots came out. At least these are killable!"

"Do you want me to bring a flyswatter?"

"I have mine. The killing field:"

"Yikes! How many have you killed?"

"I killed at least two dozen, unless some weren't dead on the first hit. And 'only' in the bathroom which has no food or anything else, so, got to be from the dead squirrel. Either crawled out of the walls or something."

"Eventually, the massacre will be complete."

I offered to pick up some insect spray for The Pony, but he said his flyswatter is good enough. Dang Hick and his lackadaisical attitude towards The Pony's attic pest.


  1. Wowza! That's a lot of flies. I hope The Pony can get rid of them soon and they don't come back.

    1. They won't come back, unless it's a new crop if Hick leaves another dead squirrel in the attic for 13 days!

  2. Oof, poor Pony. He has had a little tough stretch inside and outside the home!

    1. Yes. The Pony is due a reprieve from The Universe!

  3. The continuing adventures of The Lad and His Dad. I hope your other self is writing these stories down for publication. Maybe Pony could share in the royalties.

    1. Nobody would be interested in my "boring stories," as one of my previous teaching colleagues used to refer to my tales. However, I would certainly share any royalties with The Pony.

  4. We had a problem with flies in our store front in Minnesota. One of my technicians (All guys) had not reined the trashcan and food was in the bottom. The store was full of flies .... think Hitchcock and those birds! I was the first to arrive and they swarmed out the door whe I opened it. I asked my guy in the front to set off an insect bomb when he closed and the next morning it took over an hour to sweep up all the dead flies! So gross!!

    1. Yikes! I hope The Pony's problem is not as severe. He eliminated as many of the "future flies" as he could find. Though there may be some that matured in the attic.

  5. I have a fly swatter but usually go straight for the insect spray. With the swatter you have to be quick and deadly with the spray I can just surround the area with lethal fumes which the flies cannot get away from. I haven't seen an actual fly inside for several years now, but every summer I get those tiny black moths with fat roundish wings that breed in filthy drains, they come in via the back porch where they breed in the gully trap right outside the drug-takers flat.

    1. I haven't seen such moths, but we'd get gnat-flies from the drain on the floor of the teacher bathrooms at Newmentia. My best old ex-teaching buddy Mabel called them "sewer flies."

      If The Pony's problem continues, I will insist that he accept some spray from me.

  6. I have an electric flyswatter. You don't swing it at flies. I come from underneath and behind gently. It works great for gnats. It goes off like firecrackers if gently put through a swarm of gnats.
    Then, there is always a vacuum cleaner, great for getting flies off a window. I use the hose to move along the bottom of the glass or whereever they have gathered. I hate flies.

    1. I've never heard of an electric flyswatter. Kind of like a hand-held bug zapper!

      The Pony doesn't have a vacuum. He has no carpets. I think he has a sweeper for the two area rugs Hick got him at an auction. Not so effective on flies!

    2. Does he also have a rug-beater to beat the dust out of those rugs every spring-cleaning time? Like in the old days of yore. A sweeper only cleans the surface.

    3. I doubt The Pony has a rug-beater. He has no clothesline to hang the rugs over to beat them. Maybe that issue will be addressed in the future. He's barely been in his house for two years. Not sure that SPRING CLEANING is on his radar.
