Wednesday, January 6, 2016

The Pony Needs to Get a Grip on His Balls

Navigating the homestead after dark is a grave undertaking. You never know what you may encounter. And I'm not talking about a headless apparition in the basement. I'm talking about stuff that should be stowed away. You might have heard the saying, "A place for everything, and everything in its place." We don't hold with that nonsense in Thevictorian household. Maybe, "A shed for everything, and everything in its shed." But we do not yet have enough sheds to follow through.

Nope. You might end up like that Operation! man if you're not careful where you step. A wrenched ankle would be the least of your worries.

The Pony sees no need to carry anything farther than the living room. He has an end table where he dumps everything. Most recently, he has been working on labs for his online physics class through Mizzou. Some equipment he brings home from the school science lab (don't blame Val--she doesn't have the key), some equipment we ordered in a lab kit, and some equipment he gets from Hick, the jack of all gadgets.

Telling The Pony to clean up his stuff falls on deaf ears. He surely doesn't see his mess, what with permanent blinders on to avoid responsibility. When searching for his lost wallet Tuesday night, in order to put his newly-received driver's license inside, he upset the equilibrium of his junk tower. The slightest vibration, or addition of a single envelope of college offers, is enough to send that junk Jenga-ing to the floor.

The Pony has balls of steel. To be specific, The Pony has BALL of steel. He borrowed one of Hick's balls (I'm sure you thought he had none left after living with Val for 26 years) and left it on his Jenga table. beer can not be truly owned, but only rented...The Pony's ball of steel cannot be left on a table, but only placed there temporarily. Here's the evidence:

The Pony has huge balls. That thing is the size of a Florida orange. You don't want to be stepping on THAT after midnight.

It's so heavy that I didn't even offer to hold it for him.


  1. I hope it IS indeed steel. Or some other safe metal. My crazy husband got a ball of stuff that is now illegal to ship (he got it off ebay). It is kept in the shed, as per my insistence. (I think it's filled with mercury, but maybe it's something else that only Polish people would buy.)

    I hope The Pony gets a matching ball at some point. Sometimes, two balls are better than one.

    1. I can't figure out what your MR. bought, and The Pony can't figure out what your MR. bought, but we both assume that Genius probably has one as well.

      I don't know how in the world The Pony will manage to juggle TWO balls, when he can't even take care of one giant ball, or three tiny balls in Little Caesar's.

    2. I asked, because inquiring minds wanted to know.

      Uranium. Or technically uranite (spelling?) because it hasn't been... refined? I don't know. Just the one word alone was too scientific for me to pay attention to. My eyes are already glazed over...

    3. I teach a hundred of you every day. I am familiar with that facial expression.

      What's he doing, building a better Geiger counter?

  2. My Rorscharch blot observation was a dead lab mouse floating on its back in a glass of water. Glad its your boy's steel ball.

    1. Of course I see a unicorn under a rainbow with a basket of kittens on its back, floating down a crystal clear lazy river on a jewel-encrusted pontoon boat.

  3. Tee hee--you said BALL!!

    1. You and Joe and I need to throw a party for our 13-year-old selves. We could have an armpit-fart contest, or put somebody's hand in a bowl of warm water when they fall asleep.

  4. You people are all crazy! Fun, but crazy!

    1. We're havin' a BALL, heh, heh! As well as a party. You're invited, but don't fall asleep!

  5. Replies
    1. As The Pony would reply, "That's what HE said!"

  6. ROFLMAO Balls of steel? Good to have, huh?

    1. You only go 'round once in life, and you might as well do it with balls of steel.
