Monday, September 30, 2024

The Hickness

Hick has been shot. Shot by a flu vaccine on Wednesday afternoon when he stopped by his pharmacy to pick up prescriptions. Since a couple were not ready, he decided to use his waiting time to get a flu shot.

Friday morning, Hick woke up with the sniffles, saying he didn't feel well. Did that keep him from rushing down to his SUS2 (Storage Unit Store 2) to open up for business four hours, before heading to the Senior Center for lunch? And then to his doctor's office for a weekly injection? And then to sit around a shop and shoot the bull with his cronies? NO. It did not. But you already knew that, I'm sure.

Apparently, The Hickness did not affect Hick's appetite. He ate his lunch:

South of the Border Salad
Refried Bean Bake
Variety of Desserts

In fact, Hick ate one AND A HALF lunches! He said "One of the gals didn't want the rest of hers, so she offered it to me." Heh, heh! Just like school lunches...

Anyhoo... Hick spent Saturday evening in his recliner, sneezing and snarfing and blowing his nose. I've been giving him a daily vitamin gummi with elderberry, vitamins C and D, and zinc. He doesn't have a cough right now, so I'm hoping he'll fight off The Hickness sooner rather than later. 

It's been a while since Hick was sick. I'm guessing he picked up somebody's germs while hanging out inside the pharmacy. SICK people go there, you know! Surely he hasn't caught the flu from the flu shot...

On Sunday evening, I asked Hick how his "cold" was coming along. 
"It's gone! I feel fine."

Well, he's WELCOME! For me giving him that gummi vitamin for three days. It will be a daily thing from now through the winter months. You can't go wrong by boosting your immune system.


  1. I'm glad it is gone. One preventive measure I take year-round is not using a public pen.
    About ten years ago I was standing at the head of a line of people waiting to sign in. I was digging in my purse for a pen. The receptionist encouraged me to sign in. I said, "Not with that pen." She said, "Everyone else uses it." "EXACTLY"

    I could hear others scritching aound in purses, guy saying Honey, do you have a pen. Just listening to me, a dozen people changed their actions and hopefully, habits.

    1. Heh, heh! It's the same way at the pharmacy, putting your card in the reader, and punching the keypad. Unless you have the tap-and-pay.

      I go through the pharmacy drive-thru now, but you still have to hand them your card. So the cashier is infested with germs from everybody else's card. Then they hand out the little clipboard for you to sign, with A PEN ON IT.

      Even if you go inside to tap your card for payment, you're still touching the door handle that was handled by all the sickies. So I just have a strict rule of NO FACE TOUCHING until I've washed or sanitized my hands. And even still, if I've touched my phone while I'm out, there could be something lingering on it when I use it again!
