Friday, September 13, 2024

Val Grows Impatient

I've been checking the website of our realtor every day, eagerly anticipating our listing of the Double Hovel Flip House(s). NOTHING! Yes, I'm impatient. Hick finally turned over the keys last Tuesday afternoon. I know that the "professional photographer" was going to be scheduled for this week. Still... I want it to happen yesterday! Last week, even!

Our realtor owns her own business. Not part of a chain, or broker, or whatever you call real estate companies. We're a small town. She had 11 listings on her website last week, three of them under contract. One has since dropped off, so I guess the deal was completed. But now there are two more. One of them a $1.5 million piece of real estate! And another is a condo that's more expensive than our property.

I don't begrudge our realtor earning a living! The other two listings might have come in ahead of ours. At least I saw the pictures of the condo interior, so I know the "professional photographer" knows how to show rooms to their advantage. I'm hoping our pictures have been taken, and that soon I will see our listing. 

I feel like a proud parent, waiting to show off my offspring. Even though I had nothing to do with the renovations...


  1. I am feeling this too - I dropped off my passport renewal application on Monday and I want to see it progress to processed ASAP, lol! Not in the same vein at all but the waiting gets to us at times. I hope the double flip shows up on her page soon.

    1. Good luck with the passport getting done quickly! That sounds torturous, like when The Pony was waiting for his broken ankle worker's comp claim to be processed.

  2. I can understand your curiosity for the final step/product to show up.

    1. Yeah, just to get it out there for people to know it's available. Can't get a buyer if nobody knows it's for sale. The random people driving down that quiet street and seeing Hick's previous FOR SALE signs in the yard are not a likely pool of prospective buyers.

  3. When it's listed, let us know the website so we can view it too.

    1. That might give away too much personal information! One of the ten people who read here might become a stalker! Even though we don't live at the Double Hovel address.

  4. I'd be impatient too! I'd be checking the site twice a day, three times even!

    1. You can safely bet your lottery bankroll that I was checking the site multiple times a day!
