Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Rumpusholes Are Gonna Show Their Rumpus

There were only a few cars at the Gas Station Chicken Store when I went in to buy my scratchers on Monday. An Older Lady was walking in ahead of me, from the gas pumps. She was too far away to expect any door-holding favors.

When I stepped inside, a 30-Something Gal was waiting, with the Older Lady at the counter paying for gas. She paid in cash, and declined the offer of red tickets for the weekly gas drawing, and her receipt. Easy peasy. 

However... while she was paying, that 30-Something Gal was talking. Muttering, almost. I assumed she was on the phone with somebody. People do that all the time. I couldn't see her left hand and ear. She was holding a 44 oz fountain soda in her right hand.

"Now she's blah blah blah-ing..."

Again, I couldn't make out all the words. Not my business. 

Older Lady left, and 30-Something Gal stepped up to the counter.

"That's $1.47. Is that all?"

"Yeah." 30-Something Gal tossed a dollar and some coins onto the counter. "You can keep the change, BITCH!" And walked out the door.

What in the NOT-HEAVEN???

At first, I thought she must be a friend of the cashier, just joking around. But the look on the cashier's face made that unlikely. I felt bad for her.

"Well... I guess you never know..."

Cashier raised her eyebrows, like, yeah, that was not expected. Then she turned to the gas meter thingy, which was beeping with somebody trying to pump gas. She looked through the window, and I guess she recognized the pumper, because she turned on the pump. Then knocked on the window to get his attention, pointing at him that he could pump.

Unfortunately, 30-Something Gal was sitting just outside the window in her car. I suppose she assumed Cashier was pointing at HER, after knocking on the window to get her attention! She flipped Cashier the bird. The badfinger, as my boys used to call it. Thankfully, Cashier did not notice, as she was looking toward the gas pumper she was signaling to. No way was I going to mention that little birdie!

What is wrong with people? I have no idea why 30-Something Gal was mad. Maybe she thought Old Lady had been served ahead of her. But I don't see how, considering where 30 Something Gal was standing when I went in the door.

I guess rumpusholes are just gonna show their rumpus. No reason needed.


  1. I agree with you Val. Some people are unbelievable.

    1. Really. What kind of person gets satisfaction from that? It's not like they were having an argument, or she got cheated in some way. The cashier was just doing her job, and the name-caller was free to roam about the countryside, sipping her 44 oz soda.

  2. Maybe she was on her way to church. The church crowd seems very hostile. So, I don't go in Publix after church!

    1. ? That seems to be painting with a broad brush. Nothing about her appearance, nor the fact she just bought a 44 oz soda at 4:00 p.m., led me to believe she was headed for church, or coming from church, on a Monday afternoon.

    2. Just experience. No broad brush. You did not give all the reason she was not a church goer.

    3. You did not give all the reasons she was.

  3. It is sad how angry the younger folks are. That type of behavior was shameful in my younger years. Not now. But when I do see it it still rakes me back.

    1. I don't know what the cashier could have done to make her experience any better. Short of motioning her to jump line in front of the old lady paying for gas.

  4. She is a Gen Z. Has the sense of entitlement and she has no reality check. somewhere along the line, this will not work in her favor. She is 30s and she is due.

  5. I had one of those last week when I was getting my coffee. Guy strolls up to the side with the food / drinks - and stands there, talking into his headset - finally he says "I need a sleeve!" as if the employees are supposed to read his mind, LOL. So rude, and he acted as if he was in the right (they were right in front his face too, smh) I hope the cashier did not take this to heart!

    1. The world is going to Not-Heaven in a handbasket! This cashier is pretty resilient. At least I let her know I thought that gal was out-of-line.

  6. The world has more horses asses then it has horses!

  7. I remember a line from a movie. "sometimes you meet people like that." And today, you did.

    1. Heh, heh! I hope it doesn't happen again, but it probably will.
