Wednesday, September 4, 2024

The Realtor Can Have Our Listing When She Pries the Keys from Hick's Calloused, Hard-Working Hands

Well. The holiday weekend is over. Hick was planning to stop by the realtor's office on Tuesday, to hand over the keys to the Double Hovel Flip House(s). He brought home a Senior Center lunch for me, which I had requested for my supper. Pulled Pork Sandwich day! Anyhoo... Hick got here around 1:00.

"Did you give the realtor the keys?"

"No. She wasn't there. So I'm going back right now."

Really? Hick drove all the way out here to give me the Senior Center meal, with plans to go back to town? He could just as easily have left my meal in the NEW refrigerator at the Beauty Shop, then picked it up on his way home in the evening.

So many obstacles there seem to be, in getting this property on the market! When Hick eventually returned home later, I asked again about the realtor.

"Yes. She was there. I gave her the keys. I have some papers for you and The Pony to sign. She can't list it until all the owners are on the contract."

"You mean like when I asked you before you talked to her, if The Pony and I would need to sign? And you said, 'No, I'll be able to do it by myself.'"

"Well, she needs all of our signatures. I brought the papers home. You can sign, and I'll go by Pony's house tomorrow when he's off."

"What about the pictures of the inside of the houses?"

"She said that after she gets the paperwork tomorrow, she'll call the photographer and schedule pictures for one day next week."

Sure she will... something is bound to come up!


  1. That was nice of him to bring it home fresh. But, I can also see why you questioned the trip out and back. It seems like she is the holdup in this deal!
    Do the papers need to be notarized?

    1. I am not aware of any notarization needed. She's a licensed realtor who has been in the business for many years. The Pony and I could just go to the office and sign in front of her if needed.

      When the abstract company handled our purchase of the QuickFlip house, and mailed documents to Florida for the half-owner to sign, THOSE needed to be notarized. Maybe because he was out-of-state, or since it was by mail. The Pony and I just went by in person and signed ours there at the office.

      The realtor is just running her business as normal. Hick is the one who pops in and expects things to be done right then. I'm not a genius, but I could have predicted that the realtor would probably be taking off early on Friday, and coming back late from the Labor Day weekend.

  2. He really doesn't want to let go does he? He needs another project waiting for him, so he can move on. Perhaps you could nag him about a railing on the basement stairs?

    1. Hick DOES need another project, but I doubt the thought of putting a rail on the basement stairs would be enticing.

  3. Oh, Hick. Selling the house Hick and Pony were renovating? Double Hovel are words that not often seen together. Let me know when the papers are signed.

    1. Hick and Pony never renovated a house. That was Hick and HOS (Hick's Oldest Son). This one for sale is a property that we invested in with The Pony as an equal partner. Hick has been doing the renovations with a (paid) buddy. The paper-signing is something that will definitely be revealed.
