Monday, September 2, 2024

Thevictorians Grill

The Pony came out Sunday for a BBQ. Except no BBQ sauce was involved. Hick grilled bratwursts and steaks. I went to town to pick up The Pony, for assistance in making my deviled eggs. The Pony does the legwork so I don't have to. My chauffeur service was so The Pony could let his hair down and enjoy an adult beverage, without having his car here to deal with. Hick was the return driver after our feast.

Our grilling was on Sunday, because The Pony was going to volunteer to work on Monday if needed. Only packages go out on the holiday. According to The Pony, it's a fairly "easy" day to earn overtime or future time off. Gotta strut those dainty Victorian ankles about town.

The Pony and Hick had New York Strip steaks. Here's The Pony's plate:

Bratwurst, steak, baked potato, stuffing. That's a side bowl of French Onion Dip, from The Pony's appetizer while helping with the deviled eggs, waiting for Hick to come home and grill. Used with Black Pepper Potato Chips.

The Pony also had a salad. Just from a bagged mix of Italian Blend. He added some shredded mozzarella, Caesar Dressing (which he added AFTER the picture, oh so wrong, putting it on top of the crispy onions, in my opinion), and crispy fried onions. Couldn't resist grabbing a Sister Schubert's Roll while I was taking the picture.

Hick only wanted steak. No salad.

Hick also had a baked potato, and some stuffing. I don't know what Hick has done to make his finger look like he hasn't washed his hands in 30 years! Maybe it was from cleaning the grill.

I didn't want steak. I've been cutting back, so just a bratwurst for me.

And some SLAW, of course! With a roll, and a deviled egg. I suppose Hick and The Pony had eaten their deviled eggs before I got to the table and took pictures. Because they were set out, and some were definitely missing. The Pony might have been full of them, having sampled my early efforts. There are some tortilla chips in the background, which was my snack while waiting for Hick to come home at 3:30 to grill.

I also had a salad of romaine lettuce and shredded cheddar and garden tomatoes. Not our garden. We don't have one. They were charity tomatoes grown by Hick's buddies and given to him.

It looks big here, but was actually half the size of The Pony's salad. I used a small cardboard bowl, rather than the big glass bowl that goes with the plates. I must have taken the picture before I put on my crispy onions. I KNOW I had crispy onions!

Anyhoo... the food was good, and the company was better. We had a great time. Except maybe Hick, who had a good-enough time. He's not one to get giddy with emotions like The Pony and me.


  1. Your dinner plate looks so empty compared to the others. I can't get over the size of those baked potatoes! Yum. Your salad looks good, though it has far too much dressing for my liking. I'm not big on dressings.

    1. I have less on my plate, because I really wanted that salad. Imagine how much dressing I might have used if I had it in a bigger bowl!

      The potatoes are labeled Giant Baking Potatoes in the store, heh, heh. I pick that size for when Hick and I have a "Terrible Tater" for our supper. A potato filled with pulled pork (and cheese and sour cream for Hick). There's one left on the counter now, because I didn't want a baked potato with my grilled meal.

  2. You know, I could really go for a good steak after seeing what you, Hick and The Pony had to eat. It all looks so-o-o good. I hope The Pony got the call for overtime.

    1. Hick and The Pony both declared that their steaks were good. Hick at all of his, except a tiny scrap of gristle set aside for the dogs. The Pony took about a third of his steak home, along with several bratwursts and deviled eggs and the leftover stuffing, and the mini cupcakes and chocolate chip cookies we had for dessert.

      The Pony said they had enough workers, so he has the day off. It was a win/win either way!

  3. Big appetites in that family! The food all looks good so I can understand that.

    1. Okay... I suppose that's a way of calling us fat! We're fine with that. Just one more service we provide, allowing other people to virtue signal and/or feel superior.

  4. This spread looks amazing. Yummy!

    1. It was great. I even tried a bite of the steak. Actually, it was a piece Hick was shoving aside to save for the dogs, but he offered to let me taste it, heh, heh! No sauce or anything, and it was delicious, though a bit chewy, since it was for the "dogs." I'm just not a steak person when other food is available.

    2. Honestly I would not know where to start if I was at one of your lunches/dinners, LOL! The dogs got a wonderful treat!

    3. I also have trouble deciding where to start! The dogs are very lucky sometimes, but mostly they just get half a slice of bread, sometimes wiped through meat juices left in a pan.

  5. I could faceplant into those baked potatoes. Everything else looks great but there is just something about a perfectly baked potato.

    1. Hick and The Pony add butter and pepper to their baked potatoes. I like salt and sour cream.
