Thursday, September 5, 2024

The Slaw-Crank Redemption

Hick brought me home a Senior Center lunch for my supper on Tuesday. Oh, before we sing his praises and induct him into the Husband Hall of Fame... let the record show that I saw what was on the menu, and asked Hick to get it for me. Still, he DID. That means he has to call them ahead of time to reserve a meal for carryout, and of course pay for it (out his own pocket overflowing with cash from his SUS2).

Anyhoo... I asked Hick if he could watch them actually MAKING the carryout containers.

"Yeah. I know who does it. It ain't the one who hates me right now."

"Well, could you ask them not to put so much juice in my slaw? Last time it was like slaw soup. And the juice runs over onto everything else when the container tilts."

"I'll ask her."

Hick brought my meal home around 1:00. Of course I had to check on the slaw.

Yes. I'm sure your eyes did not go immediately to the slaw. But LOOK AT IT! That slaw must have been spooned into a piece of cheesecloth and squeezed to get out all the liquid! Not that I'm complaining. It was fairly dry for slaw, but still had all the slaw taste. So kudos to the slaw-dipper!

No, those are not regular hamburger buns. They are slider buns. I had been hoping for the single ciabatta bun that the sandwich came on last time, so was a bit disappointed. Even though I apparently have a BIG APPETITE, I could not eat all of that in one meal. I finished the slaw, had two Slider-Qs, and some fries. Hick is getting the rest of those fries, because they have some kind of spicy coating that I don't like. Stop feeding the elderlies spicy foods! The meal also came with a piece of cake, but I gave that to Hick. It was gone by the time I took this picture.

Anyhoo... I might ask for this meal again next time it's served. Or any other meal that comes with slaw. This version was much better than the slaw soup.


  1. Is the Senior Centre like a community centre or a centre where senior folks pay to live there but anyone can drop in for the meals? I've always been curious!

    1. The Senior Center is an old 2-story building in the downtown district. Upstairs are apartments where seniors live. I don't know the requirements for living there, or what it costs.

      Downstairs is the kitchen and dining room. Anybody can come in to eat. It costs $5 for a lunch. I think after a certain age, the price is different, or free. Hick always pays. I know they also serve any homeless people who come in, probably without charge.

      The center gets some federal funding, and also funding from the city. A couple days a week, bingo is offered before lunch. On some holidays, they have special activities beforehand, but are usually closed for the major holidays.

    2. I would definitely spend $5 to help them get funding! This lunch looked pretty good to me!

    3. Tomorrow is the Reuben Sandwich! I might ask Hick to get one for me, though I'm not sure I'll want the sides:
      Southwestern Salad
      Cucumbers, tomatoes, onions
      Mexican Cheesecake OR fruit

  2. The elderlies need spicy food because, for the most part, they've lost their sense of taste.

    1. That might explain why the meal on Wednesday was bologna and cheese in a tortilla with mayo, rather than the turkey wrap listed on the menu. I guess they figured the elderlies would not taste the difference.

  3. My eyes DID go immediately to the slaw because that's what you were talking about and I was pleased to see it looked less like soup. Then I noticed the meat and four buns and wondered if Hick had asked for extra buns so that he could have them.

    1. I offered Hick two of the buns, but he turned them down in favor of two slices of Hawaiian Bread. The dogs got the two buns, and liked them just fine!
