Sunday, September 29, 2024

The Double Hovel Dance

Shake a leg, people! The Double Hovel Dance is one step forward, and two steps back!

The forward step is that on Saturday, Hick had a message from Realtor indicating that she had showed the Double Hovel to prospective buyers. 

The first step back is that Realtor said our property was not really what they were looking for, and that they had tried the sink in the Beauty Shop, and the water leaked out of the sprayer. Not a big deal, and nice to know. Hick said he would check it out. This is not a new sink, but one Hick bought as a used bargain. So it's conceivable that the sprayer might not be in the best condition. 

Aside from that, I'll be darned if I'd ever make an appointment with a realtor to view a house that was "not really what I was looking for." Not-Heaven's bells, people! Hick and I are adults. We can pull up our big-girl panties and accept whatever criticisms the prospective buyers had of our property. Bedrooms too small? Not enough room? Price too high? Just spit it out!

Anyhoo... the second step back is that upon viewing her website, I discovered that Realtor had the AUDACITY to list another multi family property, at a price less than ours, with a main house and TWO efficiency dwellings!!! Can you believe it??? Heh, heh! How dare she attempt to earn a living when her main priority should be selling OUR property! At least I smugly rest assured that ours is a prettier, classier option, according to the pictures. That pig needs much more lipstick.

Seriously. Nothing major going on. We're just happy to know that the Double Hovel is getting interest, even though we are not notified of each showing. This new multi family dwelling might attract attention, and the interested parties will surely be notified of ours as well.


  1. Good to find out about the sink sprayer so you can get it fixed.

    1. Yes. The way Hick said she described it, the leak wasn't continuous, but only when the sprayer was sprayed. I'm sure he can replace it with minimal cost.

  2. Your Hick and son Pony are creative men. The Double Hovel?? Is that the dwelling that they rebuilt and restored? The drama of that rebuild still continues.

    1. It's the property that had a run-down rental house, and a small "beauty shop" that had been closed for 8 years or more. Hick did all the work with his paid helper, since The Pony has a full-time job with the post office.

  3. First it's great your property is getting attention & second sometimes folks say they need to think about it & after the view a few others, will come back. Fingers crossed it sells quickly.

    1. I'm satisfied that people are walking through. They can compare it to other such local properties on the market. If it's not for them, no big deal. At least they've seen what we have to offer. We'd like it to sell quickly, but we're prepared to wait.
