Thursday, September 26, 2024

Hick Chickens Out

Hick has been spending his days working on his SUS2.5, the new storage unit he's converting into a store. Because, you know, one is not enough. He kept this pretty hush-hush for a while. Not that it concerns me, since it's HIS money he's investing into the materials and the wiring. The only thing I have to do is pay his electric bill. I hate this! We are now getting SIX electric bills. One for our house, one for the BARn, two for the Double Hovels, and now two for Hick's SUSs. Oh, and I also have to sort out and pay the credit card bills for Lowe's and Menards, and keep track of Hick's business expenses and make sure he reimburses our household fund.

Anyhoo... it keeps Hick out of the house all day. Gives him somewhere to go. Keeps him off the streets. I'm free to go about my usual routine until the bills come in for me to pay. 

Part of my usual routine is to peruse Hick's Senior Center Menu to see if they are serving any foods I might like. Is that so wrong? Val does not ask for much. She's not an extravagant spender. No shoe collection, no fancy clothes, no jewelry, no manicures, no pedicures, or hair stylists for the lovely lady-mullet. I just like Hick to bring me home a meal from the Senior Center once, maybe twice, a month.

Tuesday was CHICKEN SALAD!

Chicken Salad
On Bun
Potato Salad
Pickled Beets
Hilda's Brownies OR Fruit

Monday night, I asked Hick if he would bring me home a Chicken Salad meal for my supper. Without beets!

"I don't know if I'll have time to get over there. I wouldn't have gone today if I knew they were just having hamburgers. I could have got that myself at McDonald's down the road! The $5 meal. I don't like the fries at the Senior Center. They're always cold and soggy."

"So you won't get it for me?"

"Well, I have to see how the time is going. Because I'll have to call it in. But if I can't make it in time, I don't want to call it in."

"So you're pretty much telling me you won't get me the Chicken Salad."

"I don't know yet, Val! I'll have to see how the time is going."

Tuesday morning at 5:45, I asked Hick again.

"If you know you're not going to bring me Chicken Salad, just tell me! Then I can plan on something else to have for my supper."

"Like I said, I don't know yet..."

Seriously. Like that would make me think I had a chance? Hick was just stringing me along. Why did he have to be such a chicken??? Rip that bandaid off, and tell me: YOU'RE NOT GOING TO HAVE CHICKEN SALAD FOR SUPPER!

Guess what? Turns out Hick did not have time to go to the Senior Center to get my Chicken Salad. But on Wednesday, he sure had time to go and have Meat Loaf!

Meat Loaf
Augratin Potatoes (their spelling)
Green Beans
Coconut Cake OR Fruit

No. I didn't even ask. I don't like Meat Loaf. In two weeks, they're having REUBEN SANDWICHES on a Friday. I'm wondering what the excuse will be then...

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