Tuesday, September 17, 2024

What About the Elderlies???

Hick was looking forward to his lunch at the Senior Center on Monday. It was:

Glazed Ham
Sweet Potatoes
Brussel Sprouts
Peach Pie OR Fruit

He said that they indeed served the foods listed on the menu. I mentioned that his monthly menu said Tuesday would be:

Biscuits and Gravy
Eggs, sausage, bacon
Hash Browns

Hick LOVES to have breakfast for lunch. It's one of his favorite meals there. But when I said it was coming up, Hick said it was not to be!

"No. They're closed on Tuesday."

"WHAT? It doesn't say that on your menu."

"They're going to some conference in the city, so they're closed."

"All the cooks? And the people in charge? What are they going to learn, a new menu? Maybe you'll start getting different foods when they come back."

"I doubt it. They went to one last year, but everything stayed the same. It's just a day to goof off, if you ask me."

"What about all those old people? Will they have to go without food? It's so soon after the weekend!"

"I don't know. I guess some of them cook their own food..."

"How do they get it? They live above the Senior Center. They don't have cars. They're OLD! They don't know how to get DoorDash. They don't know how to call an Uber. Can they even walk across the street to that restaurant?"

"I know one of them can. She goes to the restaurant sometimes. One of them has her daughter bring her groceries. On the weekend, they get frozen meals. My buddy used to give one guy a meal to take up for supper for him and his wife. But after that last conference, he stopped. It was just the leftover meals that they freeze. But now he can't give them to him. That guy doesn't remember anything. Today they announced that they'd be closed tomorrow, and that guy went up and asked, 'Are you not going to be open tomorrow?'"

"Maybe he has Alzheimer's."

"He DOES!"

So now I'm worried about the elderlies going hungry for a day. They won't starve to death, but it makes me sad. Also, I don't know how it will throw off the menu. Chicken salad was coming up next Tuesday!


  1. Mom's small town had a great senior lunches. Then the Governor Blagovich didn't sign the document because he wanted money to be donated for his run the Senate. So that source was cancelled. Such a shame.

    1. Yes. Supposedly Hick's Senior Center also gets some funding from the city. Which got cut. Not sure what else they wanted to spend it on.

  2. I'm sure they will be taken care of.

    1. I'm hoping they were given a frozen meal to have on the day it was closed.

  3. Surely, someone planned to take care of them. My 94-year-friend hated most of the senior meals and would give them to me and other people. Of course, she kept her favorites.

    1. I HOPE someone planned to take care of them, whether somebody paid by the program, or a relative or friend if they have them.

      I would make BEETS the first thing I gave away! And nobody would get their hands on my Reuben sandwich.

  4. Now I'm worried about them too. Maybe there is some sort of plan in place so they at least get a sandwich or something.

    1. I hope Hick is right about them maybe getting frozen portions for a holiday, or unplanned days when they're closed, like during snow and ice.

  5. I am sure they made some kind of arrangements for those who can't do for themselves. I had a couple of women who volunteered to pick up boxes for those who qualified for the food bank. They was often fresh veggies and fruit and they would end up with a big box of what their route didn't like, so they would bring that to me and I would give it out to those in my park that needed help. And, of course, I was allowed to take some of it myself. Anything considered to be "exotic" I ened up with it. You those exotic vegetables, like beets!

    1. I would also gladly give up eggplant and zucchini. Hick brought home something with the tomatoes that I THOUGHT was a zucchini. He said he thought I would want it. I suppose as a side dish for BEETS! Since I have never bought or cooked a zucchini, either.
