Sunday, September 15, 2024

Hick Is No Ostrich

Hick is not one to lie around in a staged bed in a Beauty Shop! Apparently he jumped into action Friday afternoon, right after I informed him that our Double Hovel Flip House(s) were listed online, but without any pictures of the Beauty Shop.  

I had no idea what Hick was going to do. I just wanted him to be aware. Meanwhile, The Pony and I were wringing our hands, beside ourselves, yet believing that the realtor must have a reason for listing our property this way. After all, she has many years of experience, and only stands to get paid from what she earns us. We abhor confrontation, and would rather keep our heads buried in the sand, waiting for things to work out.

When I called Hick back later in the afternoon, he said he had gone to see the realtor, but she wasn't there.

"I put a note under her door, asking why the Beauty Shop wasn't in the pictures. And why we don't have any FOR SALE signs in the yards. I also told her the listing is confusing, because it mentions two houses, but then lists the property like it's all one house, with 3 bedrooms and 2.5 baths."

Of course this was news to share with The Pony. We were both MORTIFIED that Hick had left a note under the door for the realtor. Writing notes is not one of Hick's talents! As The Pony said, he may mean well, but his written communications turn out to be illegible, or sound condescending. Hick is better at speaking to people directly. 

Meanwhile, The Pony was still at work. He checks his phone walking between houses. With each text I sent, I was hoping I didn't cause him to step in a hole or fall down some steps or wade through a yellowjacket nest or tempt a dog's teeth with his dainty Victorian-lady toe-pointing steps.

After 2:00, when I knew Hick would be at his buddy's electrician shop for his Friday afternoon bull-shooting session, I called again.

"The realtor called me when she got my note. She said her husband was coming to put FOR SALE signs in the yards. She said the photographer had sent her 26 pictures, and she loaded them all. Then she said it was odd that there were no pictures of the little house. She called the photographer. He said he didn't know there were TWO houses. And she said he was going back to take pictures of the Beauty Shop."


"I don't know. She didn't say. Maybe today."

"I doubt that. It's a Friday afternoon, and looks like rain is coming. I don't think they take pictures on cloudy days! It took him two weeks to finally get these. Now people will be confused about where the other house is, and won't look at the listing again."

"Yeah, but when she DOES get the Beauty Shop pictures, that listing will pop up as NEW again, I bet. So more people will look again."


Anyhoo... now The Pony and I are singing Hick's praises, because he DID SOMETHING about it as soon as he found out. His questionable note-leaving skills are forgiven!

Later that evening, The Pony said he checks Zillow, and 40 people had viewed the Double Hovel listing in the few hours it had been up, and that 11 of them had "saved it" to come back to easily. 

I suggested that MAYBE some of them would drive by and look on the weekend. That's what WE do when we're looking for a property. Drive by, and Hick walks around (or tries the doorknob, as The Pony reminded me), to see if it's something we want to pursue.

I don't look on Zillow. I use, set for our county. To be fair, that's where the listing looks confusing. Maybe it's not set up for two houses on one listing. Might have nothing at all to do with the realtor. In any case, it's out there for people to see and pursue if interested.

All it takes is ONE buyer, you know...


  1. I expect it will sell quickly. Just hope Hick makes more than 50 cents!

    1. Heh, heh! The Pony also hopes Hick makes more than 50 cents, since he is our investment partner. By "quickly," I would hope it sells within a couple of months.

  2. I thought of the Mighty Mouse theme I used to love as a child: "Here I come to save the day! That means that Mighty Mouse is on his way!" I don't compare Hick to Mighty Mouse. The music just popped into my head. Now I've got a danged ear worm.

    1. Hick could do worse than being compared to Mighty Mouse. He DID save the day. And you could be suffering from something worse than an ear worm, so it's all good.

  3. I think maybe the realtor wasn't clear with the photographer, making sure he understood there were two houses on the one listing. Anyway, I'm glad it is all cleared up and people are looking at it.

    1. Or maybe she was, but the photographer couldn't "find" the other house, since they face different streets, and there were no realtor FOR SALE signs in the yard of either house at that time. He can't just go around taking pictures of random houses.

  4. At least she is aware that you are aware. Why did she not notice one whole house was missing?

    1. My guess is that the realtor has done this for many years, and trusts her "professional photographer," and just loads the picture file he sends her, without looking at the photos. Since she has toured the properties, and knows what they look like.
