Saturday, September 14, 2024

Be Careful What You're Impatient For, Val

Welp! The very day after I wrote about being impatient for our Double Hovel Flip House(s) listing to show up online... IT WAS THERE!

I logged onto the innernets around noon, and checked our realtor's website. THERE WAS THE DOUBLE HOVEL! Oh, the excitement! I clicked on it to see the pictures and description. Huh. The description was short, and a bit  murky. To the pictures! 26 of them!


That's right. There were 26 pictures of the main house, but NONE of the Beauty Shop. Not even an outside view. The best I could tell, a sliver of the back corner showed up by the gravel off-road parking picture of the main house.

Well! What would people think? A mention of two investment properties on the same lot, but only pictures of one. They would think something must be terribly wrong with the second house. Or they might think the metal shed in the back yard of the main house was the other home!

I called Hick. He sounded preoccupied, and grunty. I accused him of being on the toilet pooping.

"No, Val! I'm at the Beauty Shop. I came by to see if anybody had been in, or if there were signs yet. No signs in the yard. I'm laying on the bed I put in here, from the QuickFlip house, waiting until time to go by the doctor for my shot."

"Our listing is up on her website, and on But there are only pictures of the main house!"

"Huh. That's not right..."

"Yeah. I sent a text to The Pony, and he said maybe it's because they are on different streets, and she can only put one address on there. I don't know. How will people figure out what the second house is?"

"I'll look at it."

Well. Nothing is ever easy for Val and Hick. The tale continues tomorrow...


  1. I'm really interested to know why the Beauty Shop house wasn't listed too. It's a good thing you checked the listing:)

    1. Wild rabid ponies couldn't have kept me away from that listing, heh, heh! But Hick is the action man. Story coming.

  2. Just for the heck of it, I decided to go onto the website and just type in Missouri. There is a lot of real estate available in your state. I didn't take the time to go through all of the listings (140 pages times ? properties - um, no) Lots of neat homes in St Louis, if you don't mind smelling and watching your neighbor cook their bacon. Cozy. Hm. I like seeing the different names of towns like Grain Valley, I think and Fair Play. Fair Play made me think of your even Steven. Wondered if the scratchers were fair play in Fair Play. Too funny. Although, living in Minnesota, we got a lot of American Indian related names, but there are also a lot of names that tell what culture came to settle, such as Germantown and Finland and then there's Nimrod (terrible name for a town IMHO). I didn't find your property, but then, I wasn't looking that hard. I like looking at different real estate in different states just to see prices. I'm sure it's a matter of location, location, location, like anywhere else.
    I do hope you get your listing sorted out. Ranee

    1. I always filter it by my county, which brings up about 50 listings. Fair Play is around Springfield. I think I might have sent a resume (remember those?) there when I graduated from college, and was applying for jobs.

      One of our most unique town names is Knob Lick, heh, heh. Real estate prices around here are low compared to most of the country.

  3. Replies
    1. The Universe never tires of conspiring against Val!

  4. He's lying on a bed in the Beauty Shop house? What if someone comes to look at it? What if the realtor shows up with someone?
    He's handed over the keys, so he shouldn't be going in there at all.
    Sorry to hear about the photos not showing both houses.

    1. It's not like Hick stripped down to his tighty-whities and crawled under the covers! His feet hurt, so rather than just sit in his truck, or on a stool at the counter in the Beauty Shop efficiency cottage, he laid down on the bed to relax before his doctor visit.

      We still legally own the house(s), so Hick has every right to be going in there. Especially to make sure everything is still in order, with no issues with the appliances, and that nobody has broken in. He gave the realtor a COPY of the keys. Not the only keys.

      Heh, heh! If the realtor came in showing someone the house, Hick would probably lie right there and greet them, happy that somebody was actually touring the property!

  5. Replies
    1. Nothing is ever boringly routine for Hick and Val! Seems like some little detail always needs attention.
